Fighting for today, looking towards the future

Day 638, 15:25 Published in USA USA by Emerick

As we all know by now, Russia has decided not to sign the peace treaty with the terms that we all agreed to. In their greed and lust for power, they've recently demanded possession of New York from us. Apparently in a show of support for Russia, Hungary decided to demand that we not sign alliances with our staunch allies in Poland, Romania, and Croatia. Obviously, we cannot comply with these terms. Over the last few days, I've tried to work out a solution to their greed in a way that would be mutually beneficial to both of us. Something that would satiate their salivating, greedy little mouths, while giving us our sovereignty. Unfortunately, these power mongers will not be happy with any reasonable terms. Their intention is obviously to alienate the US from our allies while crippling us. This is unacceptable. Furthermore, it's become apparent to me that they are trying to take advantage of my good nature. This displeases me.

In light of our inability to come to acceptable terms, and Russia's recent>attack on New Jersey, we will continue to fight. This is the only option we have left. Diplomatic means with our imperialist invaders appear to have been exhausted, I'm sorry to say. While I would have preferred to cockblock Peace and the admins(I know they would have loved to have published a great story about the battle of Florida(highest wall ever) on their blog), it seems like we're going all out.

Citizens of New Jersey, evacuate to Florida. Contact the>Flying Unicorn for moving tickets if you can't afford any.

That said, I want to say a few words about the division in our country and in the allied countries, mostly in regards to the proposed peace treaty. Despite your complaints, I still believe that it was the best solution to the war. The fees were nominal and easy to deal with, and we'd only lose 3 regions. Without the treaty, who knows how many we'll have in a month? With the treaty, we'd have 48 guaranteed.

I understand the other argument, that honor holds priority, and that we should give our aggressors nothing. I like this outlook, it inspires a lot of positive things, which made it hard for me to seriously consider a treaty. However, the continued existence of my country held precedence. We can't get as many new citizens or make as much money being a shadow of our former selves. That's why I chose to propose a treaty. Now that Peace has decided to be irrational, that's out the window, so now our contingency plans are now Plan A.

We will fight. We may not prevail. In case we don't, we need to stick together. Sign up on>the forum, use the IRC, get to know the community. Sign up for the military with links found on the forum. Make friends, make allies, and work together. We're all in this together, so let's work together.

Things for average citizens to do
Scroll through my last 4 articles and vote on them. They're designed to get the attention of new citizens unwittingly starting in occupied territories.

Vote on>this suggestion if you believe that the war module is broken.

Disregard, deleted paper, banned org
Participate in the>Allied Media Mogul project. Instructions are simple and in the article. It all goes to the allied cause. Even if you don't want the medal, please use the script. It's an extra click a day, taking you from a 2-clicker to a 3-clicker. Upgrade!
Disregard, deleted paper, banned org

LET'S GO>The devils and the witches are looming on me