Fighting and Healing: An Essential Primer

Day 935, 02:18 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Education

Weak Fight, Private!

Ugliest phrase in the game, right? I remember when I was new to eRep and would see that when I pushed the button. I didn’t know how I was doing something wrong, but I thought I must be. I even wrote to a more experienced player to ask if I was doing something wrong and hurting the nation’s war efforts.

Of course, I was doing nothing wrong, it’s just the chosen phrase of the game. I wish I’d known that during my first weeks, though.

There’s something even more important to know … and you need to know it by time you can fight at Level 3. You need to know about fighting and healing:

Each time you hit the Fight button you lose 10 wellness. You can visit the hospital only once each day and you can receive only 50 total wellness. So, be sure you don’t lose more than 50 wellness over the course of a day and that you time your fights so you can make use of the hospital.

Also, you must live in a Hospital region in order to use the hospital. For eSouth Africa, that’s Northern Cape. If you don’t live in NC let us know so we can help you move.

Fighting Stats

Wellness is an essential aspect of the game. You’ll be a more productive employee and a more potent fighter. Additional damage is accrued as you increase your rank, your strength (Training each day is important. If you can afford Lana you’ll do even better.), and the quality of the weapon you use. If you can’t afford weps, get in the fray anyway. You need to add to your total damage in order to level up and you gain experience points for fighting. If you can afford a weapon, however, you’ll receive a damage bonus.

Some time back SamGibz shared some interesting numbers regarding rank and weps. They’re worth repeating. Here’s how your damage in battle can be increased. First we’ll look at rank advantage:

Private 0 - 249 Damage ~ 20% Bonus
Corporal 250 - 749 Damage ~ 40% Bonus
Sergeant 750 - 1499 Damage ~ 60% Bonus
Lieutenant 1500 - 1499 Damage ~ 80% Bonus
Captain 4500 - 8999 Damage ~ 100% Bonus
Colonel 9000 - 24999 Damage ~ 120% Bonus
General 25000 - 74999 Damage ~ 140% Bonus
Field Marshal 75000+ Damage ~ 160% Bonus

And now weapon:

If fighting with no weaponry you commit minus 50% damage
Q1 Weapon - 20% extra damage
Q2 Weapon - 40% extra damage
Q3 Weapon - 60% extra damage
Q4 Weapon - 80% extra damage
Q5 Weapon - 100% extra damage

Before you’re even allowed on the battlefield, however, you need to be 40 wellness. Be sure to mind your wellness and keep it as high as possible.

If wellness and weps are an issue for you, get involved with the military. Whether you prefer our national military or a militia, being part of an organized fighting group provides access to weps and wellness that you may not be able to create on your own.

The Steps of Fighting/Healing

1. Make sure you’re in Northern Cape.

2. Is your wellness about 40? If no you can’t fight.

3. If you can afford weps, head to the Marketplace before fighting.

4. Find a war. There are several ways: After training you’ll see a link to wars you can fight in. The Department of Defense lists orders daily. Also, your military command will usually have orders for you.

5. Can you fight from eZA? If we have a Mutual Protection Pact (MPP) with a country being attacked or if we’re being attacked, yes. Otherwise you may need to move to where the fighting is taking place. Remember, though, moving eats up wellness. One ticket will be enough if you’re moving to an allied nation. To move onto a combatant’s soil, however, you’ll first have to move to a neutral country, then you can head on to your destination. The latter will take 2 MTs in each direction – getting you to the battle and home.

6. Choose your battle and head to the battleground.

7. See the graphic in the center? That’s the wall. It may be all the way at the top – in No Man’s Land, it might be at the bottom, in the Underground, and it might be somewhere in between. The “height” of the wall is represented with a number and is based on regional population and the presence of structures such as hospitals and Defense Systems. As attackers we want to bring the wall down and defenders want to maintain it. At the end of the 24 hour battle period, the wall must be at its full height or destroyed. If it’s anywhere in the middle the battle goes into overtime until one of the sides secures their goal.

8. When you’re ready to fight, hit the “Fight” button. Remember, the general wellness goal in the game is 90 or above. You can regain up to 50 wellness once each day, but you’ll only replenish what you lost fighting. Be very careful how many times you choose to push the button.

9. After your final fight, hit “Go Back to Battlefield.” Look above the wall. You’ll see a message that you’re wounded and that you can receive wellness at the hospital. Use that link to get to the hospital page.

10. Once you’re at the hospital, hit “Heal.” Make sure it works and that you get a message saying you’ve received your lost wellness.

As long as you don’t fight again until after Day Change you should be good to go.

Questions? List them below and they’ll be answered. Thank you for your time and for reading the Department of Education’s articles.

Dycey Farley