Fessing with Fidelia (Issue #2)

Day 562, 23:40 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

Oh dear eCanada!

What have you done now? First you didn’t vote on my article or send me any questions on my questionaire. What a way to hurt a girl’s feelings - hmmph!

Now, you’ve gone and stirred up quite a mess this past day. It’s a good thing it’s Thursday and time for Fidelia Confidential, where all the things you don’t want to say can be confided in me. Don’t be shy, all of you. I almost never bite.

Here is what Fidelia overheard today:

Alexander Rearden stole some money. Now is that really true? Why would he take all that Gold and give it to other people. Is it really stealing or is he just being an eRobin Hood? He seems like such a cutie now that he’s all done up like Che Guevara. See, he’s working with the kommies to distribute our wealth. Who could accuse the poor dear of stealing when he’s just brining is a good old fashioned Revolution – AR style, that is.

Dean22: Well now everybody seems mad at him. I don’t see why, because he’s the one who’s out trying to help Canada, growing us food and watching out for corruption. Still, everyone is really down on him. Maybe he’s just got that tough guy exterior. You know the ones…all rough and tumble on the outside but really just looking for good hugznkissing on the inside. If more of us said, “We love you Dean22” why I bet he’d be like that Grinch and his heart would grow 3 sizes bigger and give us all back something very nice.

Bruck: Wow – people are really angry at you. Maybe it’s good that you are taking a little break before jump back in like the Bruckin’ Bronco we all know you to be. Some people are saying you let people steal all that Gold. I really don’t see why since you don’t seem like a revolutionary. Still, I bet it hurts that everyone said you should confess to something you didn’t really do yourself. Accountability – why that’s just something we should call “Blame it on the Big Guy.” I think everyone should say sorry to Bruck for being so hard on the old guy. In a couple days he’ll be back to a regular citizen just like us so there’s no reason to keep on blaming. That’s right everyone – say you’re sorry and welcome him back to being the little guy.

Gofarman: Jeez – they’re still going on about you. I think it’s mean that they say “Oh, better check the treasury. Gofarman was just here.” That’s like teasing the fat kid at school everytime he walks into the cafeteria. It’s just plain mean. So grow up everyone. He’s back doing nice things and I really doubt that he has anything to do with all the other problems that are going on. You owe him more than an apology. I think he should sue for defamation and get some real money for all his trouble.

Banned Citizens: Wow – there’s a lot of you to go over. I don’t think I have time here. It would take too long to even mention every Török, Kovács, and Horváth that was just banned. The best thing I can do is mention those Canadians that are gone. It’s a bit sad that you are gone and hope you are sorry, too:

Vincent Chaotic: you were always too good to be true, but you know how much I like the bad boys 😉 so you just seem a little hotter now. Too bad we lost that SCOTIA thing too.
Petz – goodbye, you always had such smart things to say about our government.I think you were really just a guy, like Dean22, who needed a hug
Alucard Bloodlust: now there is your typical badboy: mercenary, super tough fighter, and maybe also a cheater. Goodbye biggest tough guy we will ever know 🙁
Adam Sutler: (well, he just died this week – not really banned – but some say he should be. Did you see how many Sutler’s are dead out there? Anyway, I find John Hurt a bit creepy, not cute at all.

At least even banned people can send me their confession or their side of the story. I’d like to hear how those people I just mentioned really feel. I know you all have feelings and I think it would be good if people knew it, too. I’ll give you a full interview to explain yourself if that’s what it takes or you could ask for some advice on what to do now.

Here is my questionaire: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=r99ZKkT9Zjs_H0IO0Mg7uOg&hl=en

Why, I will help out anyone who needs some good counsel. Just send me a question to my special questionaire and you could get my help next time. Even if you’re just a new player looking for a way to buy some food. Sorry no gameplay advice for those of you who were banned. Better luck next account. All I can say is that you need to give a big apology to the people I talked about in the first list. You owe them an apology and maybe even some money.