Fessing with Fidelia (Issue #1)

Day 554, 22:51 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

Hi eCanada!

I've been reading about all the trouble going on in your country. It sounds like some people are pretty mad and some might be feeling quite guilty. I thought I'd try to help out by giving you all a chance to express yourself or ask a question, or maybe even confess something you feel bad about.

I'd like to keep the questions about eRepublik but I might answer others or post some stories about RL if they sound quite interesting and honest. This girl is a lady and I don't want anything really bad being asked or else there might be trouble, or a good spanking. 🙂

To keep things confidential (just like my newspaper name!) I created a form you can send me anonymously. It's by googledocs and there is no way to know who is writing what. If you don't care about that, then just PM me and I'll post an answer or advice someday when I can. Confidential Form: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=r99ZKkT9Zjs_H0IO0Mg7uOg&hl=en

I want to start my first confessional with something I overheard from IRC. Don't worry! Your identity is safe with me, soldier boy. I put it together like a letter so that you know what kind of thing I'm doing, even though he was just chatting about his problem to someone else. I might have added a couple details to make it sound right - forgive me 🙂

Dear Fidelia,

I feel bad about the way I used supplies given to me by the CAF. At the time I was just a new recruit back before they had the whole training thing. I was really low level and was finding it hard to get my health up. Anyway, it was during that time when things were really quiet because of the ban on fighting. I had a some supplies (tickets and a couple weapons) that were not being used. A couple weeks past and nothing was happening and my health was getting lower. So I sold the weapons and tickets and bought some high quality food. I was desperate! No even noticed and I got more supplies when the next battle came. I never did it again, honest.

Now I am a regular soldier with good health and wages, but I still feel bad about what I did. Can you help get over it?


Regretful Recruit

(I will suppose he chose to have "Purging Penance" from his list of response options. This is me now!)

Dear Regretful,

You're a bad soldier for doing that! But I can understand that times were tough. When I started out it was hard making money to feed myself well. I even thought of quitting! I'm happy you're doing things right now. Here's a way for you to feel better.

Find out the value of what you took from the CAF. Now times it by 2 and then donate that amount of CAD or Gold to a charity or government organization. Yes, it has to be double to show how sorry you are. Maybe you could give it to that new Guerra Foundation or SCOTIA or the CAF. I'll let you decide that. Hope you feel better afterwards!"



So like I said, PM or send a question to the following confidential form: