Feel alone? Join the community!

Day 120, 06:30 Published in Sweden Sweden by Focus Magazine

This article is aimed at those who feel they are left out of the rain when it comes to the Erepublik community and I hope you will find it interesting and useful.

Not all of us has friends who share our interests and desires which often puts one in an awkward position when choosing our online gaming experience as we tend to follow the main stream of choices even though Erepublik is a game which suits most people and should be the first choice of everyone.

It's hard being a new Citizen in Erepublik and it doesn't take long before questions start to pop up: How do I earn money? Where do I get a job? What's the smartest way to spend my hard earned cash? How do I ask for help?

The questions sure surpasses the amount of easily obtained answers and to remedy this, people have started forums and other places for people to connect, get help and maybe even get some new online friends. Most of you have probably been visiting the Erepublik forums which consists of a plethora of different sections in almost all areas of the game but soon you realize that the forums are mostly unmoderated and lacks certain functions we all come to expect from a forum. So even though it contains a lot of useful information it's not easy to find it.

Beside the official Erepublik forum most eNations have created their own forums for their Citizens to allow free flow of ideas and a stronger community for the nation, it's here most people get answers to their questions and also where you can get involved in the many parts of the game may it be economics, politics or even wars.

To help people find their nations forums here is a small list of them:

[a url=http://www.erepublik.se]Sweden[/a]
[a url=http://www.erepublik.no]Norway[/a]
[a url=http://forum.erepublik.co.uk]United Kingdom[/a]
[a url=http://forum.erepublikindonesia.com]Indonesia[/a]
[a url=http://erepublikjapan.freeforums.org]Japan[/a]
[a url=http://www.ecetateni.com]Romania[/a]
[a url=http://www.createforum.com/austria]Austria[/a]
[a url=http://erepublikmx.6.forumer.com]Mexico[/a]
[a url=http://erepublikbr.com/forum]Brazil[/a]
[a url=http://forum.erepublik.fr]France[/a]
[a url=http://erepublikspain.superforos.com]Spain[/a]
[a url=http://goforpizza.8.forumer.com]United States[/a]
[a url=http://s1.zetaboards.com/eBelgium/index/]Belgium[/a]
[a url=http://z9.invisionfree.com/eGermany/index.php]Germany[/a]
If any address is wrong or you want me to add your nations forum just contact me or write a comment, the list is also very helpful for ambassadors looking for the official place to open an embassy.