Feedback to 'Really, what do we owe the eUSA?'

Day 601, 14:45 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by John O'Melveny
Wow. A tiny small newspaper getting to number one in the national rankings. But I'm not writing this article to boast. I'm recording some of the comments that you, my readers made in this short article. Enjoy...

'a cool article.'

'good read'.

'The best post I have seen all day'

'a chance to show the americans that we are not there slaves anymore!'

'Good to see that we aren't ass licking the US anymore.'

'it's true.'

'awesome stuff man, that made me lul at the americans'

'good article'

'good point'

'Very good article'

'definitely voted'

'One of the best articles I have read here in erepublik.'

'I boated this so hard!'

'lol at all Americans crying'

'america would never dare invade British soil'.

But, my personal favourite from a typical American...

'What unbelievable over-zealous nationalistic garbage.'

P.S - Before I get a load of 'typical americans' asking what a 'typical american' is, I will explain. A typical eUSA citizen, it seems, can at the moment only whine and cry and say we are owned by eHungary. However, they only blame us, not eHungary. Because they're scared.