Federalist Congressional Candidates: 28th Congress (March 2010)

Day 850, 18:08 Published in USA USA by Federalist Media & Marketing

After a poor showing for Federalist candidates last month, there has been much change within the Federalist Party. Fingerguns was elected as Party President and appointed Tiacha as Political Director. Bringing the Federalists back to their roots, Tiacha hopes to get all Federalist candidates elected this month. That being said, here are March's slate of candidates:

Colorado: Benedict James

Maine: Barroom Hero

Minnesota: Talio Extremist

Nevada: gnilraps

Oklahoma: eliwood_sain

Utah: Rekeri

West Virginia: chestermac

Wisconsin: Trick246

Wyoming: Jeremyr

Good luck to all Federalist candidates. Remember Feds, if you want to run for Congress next month, you must hold a party job for at least one month. For more details, check out this topic on the forums.

Federalists! We need blockers! If you are interested in helping your party and your country as a blocker, sign up here

If you are not in the Federalist Party and are interested in being endorsed by the Federalist Party, please fill out this form. Endorsements will be announced on the 23rd.

If anyone has any questions or concerns about Congressional elections, please contact Tiacha. Looking forward to victory on the 25th!

This article paralleled in most other Official Fed Papers.