Fear the Feet: HobbitTon for Federalist Party PP

Day 1,144, 18:40 Published in USA United Kingdom by HobbitTon

A big shout out to Glove for creating such a kick applesauce banner!

Would you like to hear some theme muzak?

Meet CRoy's brother in an alternate reality, Ojay.

~Audience? What, what are you doing eating? CRoy's cereal, audience? We all know that CRoy gave all of his cereal to attract deer for Claire to kill. Now one ever wants to please Claire with more deer to kill. Weird, I wonder what his motives are.~

Looking back at it all, it has become quite a challenge to hold back the strong feelings of belonging in a country with so many hard-working people. Over the course of the last six months, my time here in the United States have rushed past me. From all the opportunities I ventured into and the people I met, the journey has been quite overwhelming experience. From being a Congressmen to running one of the most prominent businesses in the United States, I'd like to reflect on where it all started.

After my first month on the New World, weak and dumbfounded, I left the United Independents Party with no direction. After hearing word of the magical healing powers and fine baked cookies of the Federalist Party, I did not hesitate to learn more about them and join. For one month, I went to become the American Defense and Trade Party Party President, but I longed to come back. Since then, I have been a devout member and won in Congress under them. For those four months, I have enjoyed every second of my party life.

From its humble atmosphere to its limitless opportunities, the Federalist Party gave me a way to leave the national and business scene for a few hours a day, and for that, I am forever in its debt. The warmness and uniqueness of the Federalist Party has had me participating with them for so long that I could not imagine the United States of America without them. As I sit here today under the heavy oak tree eating one of their Grade A choco choco chip cookies, I can feel the silent energy of a storm brewing over the horizon.

The Federalist Party has slowly changed, diverging away from the path less traveled, the path of determination. A few months ago, we had the warm reception of being one of the most diverse and welcoming parties in the United States. We had a personality that could not be mimicked by any other party. Into this faceless and robotic monster we have become.

Who is to blame for this situation? This is not my party. This is not your party. This is our party. We as a party have the authority to make it succeed or fall. Because of this, we are to blame for this and only us. Rather, pointing fingers at outside factors would only distinguish the fiery honor burning within us. That is why I am here today. I believe that my time has come to step up and lead this great party into success as Party President. If you are willing America, I am ready.

Learning from the mistakes of our forefathers, this party cannot succeed if we all do not take the initiative. United we stand; Divided we fall. Because of this, I hope that we all take a stand in pushing work first and reaping the rewards later. Hand in hand, there is no force that can stop the magic of the Federalist Party. Rather, I hope that we can one day serve to be a role model for other smaller parties that hope to rise in rank.

I am a hobbit, and as such, I am not perfect. I needed someone who I could trust and assist me in office. In addition, I needed someone who was familiar to the party in ways that would benefit the whole administration in the long run. While there were many wise people to pick from, I felt that my current VPP would arrive with creative, new ideas because he indeed just revealed himself from a long slumber. Best of all, he is one of the most welcoming, hard-working people I have ever seen in the United States.

I choose David Landon to be my Vice Party President during my run this month. If you blinked in awe, I would not doubt you. David Landon has been a two time Party President of the Federalist Party in the past, and with that, he has held almost every position that the Federalist Party has had to offer. Not only that, he has become a great speaker for the Federalist Party in the national crowd and a fantastic role model many people look up to. You will not be disappointed with this combo.

The bleeding pain in my heart cannot be mended until the Federalist Party has once again rose up. I have heard its call for help, and with that in mind, I intend to bring together people from all over the party to fight for a common cause. New ideas will be established, new friendships will be made, and new experiences will be created that will last us forever. I stepped up to the plate to help the Federalist Party regain what is has been missing for so long: a purpose. And that is only the beginning.

Please vote for HobbitTon as Party President of the Federalist Party on January 15th!

Bless your face. If you blinked during this article, bless you. Do vote and subscribe! HobbitTon out! Boop!

Best Regards,

Congressman, Arkansas
~Your friendly neighborhood hobbit.~