Father Mahmoud for Northern Ireland

Day 673, 09:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mahmoud Ibn Abdullah
Mahmoud Ibn Abdullah Congress Manifesto
September 2009

Good Day, Gentlemen, I am Mahmoud Ibn Abdullah. You may remember my bid for Prime Minister last election. Well, I'm at it again, running for Congressman of Northern Ireland under a coalition of the UK Reform Party and the Free Democratic Party.

Remember, Father Mahmoud is watching you...

I'd like to briefly go over some positions particularly close to my heart.

1) Constitutional Reform
The current system of laws is broken, and desperately needs fixing. I personally favor abolishing all laws and base all governance on the power invested in the Legislature and Prime Minister. Thomas Jefferson once said that a nation should be a nation of laws, not people. I fundamentally disagree- we should be a nation of people, not laws.

That being said, I feel that the rest of The Commons would disagree with this stance. As such, I will compromise by supporting any Constitutional reform that is not laden with red tape and is sufficiently flexible to allow the Government to handle any issues that may arise.

2) Tax Reform
Unlike in Real Life, tax reform to stimulate job growth has been shown to work in eRepublik. Since the United Kingdom does not have any major natural resources, our best chance of economic growth is to encourage more manufacturing jobs to set up shop here. In particular, I believe the Value Added Tax on manufactured goods should be lowered to at least half what it currently is.

3) Military Reform
I support any efforts at reorganizing the military into a stronger, more efficient fighting force. In particular, I will seek to work with members of the military to work on making sure our fighting men and women have the supplies they need to turn back and subjugate our enemies.

4) Foreign Policy
I support working with PEACE to smite our shared enemies. That's pretty much all there is too it.

Finally, Domestically, I hope to spread my own cult of personality farther. Remember, Father Mahmoud loves you all. Don't betray that love. Vote for me.

Or Else.