Faltered Vendetta: The Day After

Day 1,609, 18:28 Published in Canada Canada by MCMXCIlI

Greetings fellow eCanucks.

Yesterday, as many of you know, was the Party Presidential Elections. This was the political battleground where hopefuls Mia Angela Carina, Killer2001, and OLloyd were fighting to topple the Norsefire Party.

Despite their best efforts however, neither one was able to take control of a Norsefire party. Mia lost to Isso1980 45-54, OLloyd lost to rolo 24 to 12, and Killer2001 was defeated by Wally Cleaver 32-3.

It appears as though none of these hopefuls were able to be the "V" to defeat the Norsefire Corruption.

"V" sporting a Guy Fawkes mask.

I wonder if any of the 3 runners would have used the pun that they were the "V" That would bring down Norsefire, if public interest might have been a bit more abundant. But that's irrelevant.

I tried contacting Mia, OLloyd, and Killer2001 about these results in the hopes that they may share their opinions and feelings, however, as of late only OLloyd and Killer 2001 have replied. I will update this article once I receive Mia's replies.

OLloyd, when asked about how he felt about the results, he sai😛

"I fell fairly disappointed. I did what I could without paying for votes and it didn't work out like I thought it should.

What went wrong was the fact that the system is broken and the players who were paid to vote, voted for who paid them. We got our message out and we were clear that we are all about changing the way eCanada does things. And we were soundly rejected. The unfortunate thing is that I decided to run against Rolo in this election because of Sperry's last survey, which showed that eCanada was not happy about Rolo and his goons squad. However those same folks that voiced their opinion apparently all voted for Sperry. Oh well..."

When asked if he thought eCanada was ready for change, and what his plans for the future were, he replie😛

"I am not sure if eCanada is ready for a change, they may say they are, but they don't vote like they are.

What happens next...well, I am seriously considering moving to eUSA. Why eUSA you ask? Well, they actively seek out abtaining ALL resource bonuses, they usually maintain NE's so that their active soldiers can grow more effecently. They are just on the otherside of the boarder...and the way it looks, maybe by next week eUK will have overtaken all of eCanada."

And as for his final thoughts on the matter:

"Overall, I will miss the TCO MU, I have made a lot of friends there, but many of those friends have already moved on, either to other eNations or have left the game. The 1st Legion is a huge part of my eRepublic life and it will be hard to adjust to not logging into the battlepage and posting my damage. The TCO did more for me in the little more than a year I have been here than anything else."

When Killer2001 was asked the same questions, he replie😛

"I felt surprised when I lost because my article got over 60 votes for my campaign and Wally's got 15 votes on his.

Mia was close and I feel that more people from other parties should vote for her next time.

OLloyd had a hard time because he was facing Rolo and not that surprised.

I think people voted for those other people because they are loyal and want tanks."

His final reply blamed Rolo for population levels falling, saying:

"Canada needs the change, the population is going down because of these Norsefire parties and Rolo."

While I wont deny that many eCanuck's are abandoning ship to escape the Norsefire Corruption, I personally don't believe that Rolo Tahmasee is the sole reason why our population's faltering.