Falling prices, subscribing to erepublik and limited fighting can benefit you?

Day 2,675, 07:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue
In this article I will discuss the falling market prices and whether combat stashes are worthwhile for you. Finally I will explore the idea that not fighting can benefit players/ the nation.

Prices are down from 0.03 CC.

Prices are down from 0.03 CC.

Prices are down from 0.11 / 0.12 CC.

Prices are down from 295 / 300 CC.

Over the last week/ two weeks across the board prices have fallen. This is sadly a trend. Lower prices means lower tax revenues, it means it is hard for people to make returns on investments and it is a sign of a weakening economy module. I would like to see additions to the economy module.

I would like to see admins bring back moving ticket companies, hospital companies and defence system companies. I think they should also add a protein-food to be used while training. Also factories should be set up to build bazooka parts, either 1 company can build 1 part, or maybe multiple different parts. We could even look at increasing industries if there was a sporting module introduced.

Some games have a subscription feature, erepublik has combat stashes and the monthly nature of these packs acts almost as a subscription feature. I think this is good for the game, you can effectively subscribe for one month if you desire or as many months as you wish - the player gets flexibility.

Combat stashes and assault packs cost €9.90 each, however in real money 😉 (pounds) they cost £7.40 each.

When you look at what you get, it is good value for money. This is better value for money than even the 50% off, offer. If you are a Gold buyer this is a no-brainer for you. If you are not, have a look at these offers and consider if you think its worth investing cold hard RL money in your future (hopefully) enjoyment of this game.

In the comments section of my last article it was pointed out that "you won't stay under level 70 forever, it is imperative you make the most of your time in the lower divisions". I agree with this sentiment, you should make the most of this time in the lower divisions. Once you get into division 4 you are in a world of super tanks and unbelievable damage. You will not see a BH medal anywhere unless you are a super tank. Division 1,2 and 3 are prized by many nations and the UK was dominating div 1, 2 and 3 consistently in the recent war against France (allies did help).

This information should be promoted so people understand that 'unnecessary' fighting below division 4 should be avoided. I think it is important people fight at times; (some will disagree with me) fighting for the UK, allies in epic battles and to complete the daily order (DO) are all worthwhile. If you want to fight for BH medals or FF medals that is fine but bear in mind your valuable time in the early divisions is being used up.

Some people will argue against this saying the bear minimum of fighting should be done. Whilst there is a point to be made for this, personally I believe it is important for players to fight and keep playing rather than stop playing out of the boredom that can come with not fighting.

In conclusion, make the most of being in the early divisions. Fight as little or as much as you want too, but understand the fact that being in the early divisions is very valuable.

If you are looking at getting started in the writing side of erepublik have a look at my last article. To hear more ideas and suggestions on improving this game subscribe.