Fair Elections and Official MU of My Ass

Day 1,803, 12:46 Published in Philippines Turkey by Eldarion Sionnodel

At 25.10.2012 one of RSP member's who is also a member of "official training unit for all citizens" Philippines Miitary Academy send me a pm.

First i didn't want to belive and ask to him if he can send me a screenshot. He just send me one.

As yu can see the "OFFICIAL training unit for all new citizens" just said vote for KMP one of the parties of ePhilippines.

After that i just send a pm to Raymond and ask to him what is going on and why are you , as the commander of an OFFICIAL mu why you just keep politics to politicians and work for only military issues.

He just accuse me to spying to HIS mu and lots of things.

Then the member of RSP kicked out from the OFFICIAL MU because of this.

and this

So is this FAIR elections and how an OFFICIAL MU'S act ?

I am just asking you a question simple one ?

How can we gain your respect ?

How RSP become one of you ?

I just ruled the country am i ruled it bad or unjust ?

So be just and if you are the commander of an OFFICIAL MU act like one not like a corrupt politician.

Eldarion Sionnodel
Minister of Defence
Secretery of the Political Bureo of RSP