Fail EDEN - An Alliance Of Fools

Day 1,112, 08:08 Published in Canada Canada by Acacia Mason
DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this article do not reflect or represent those of the government or our current Prime Minister. They are solely those of my own and therefore should be viewed as such.

I look at the EDEN crest and I am sickened. The great tree of EDEN is facing death. Each day another leaf of the tree comes dangerously close to falling off or falls off outright. The shedding of leaves is usually an indication of one of two things...renewal or death. In this case, I can not help but think that death is coming.

I have read all sorts of EDEN propaganda of late about the brotherhood. I have witnessed Congress cling to the belief that EDEN is coming, that they will help us. Where were they when Australia fell? Where are they now that our Eastern seaboard has fallen? I will tell you where they are....nowhere to be found!

Back when I was Prime Minister, I paid fees weekly to EDEN HQ. Fees that were designed to cover the costs associated with the alliance. I do not know if we pay these fees now, but if we do...I sure as heck would like to know what my ROI (return on investment) is. If we have paid into EDEN as of late, then I think we invested poorly and were essentially ripped off!

During my time in the big office, I pushed for us to leave EDEN. I sensed they did not care about anything but Hungary and some of the other larger European theaters, like Russia. There was little to no interest in anything else. They poured tons of gold into battlefields that were, at the time, impossible to win. I watched as they came to me over and over again, asking me to send my troops to their major fronts. I watched as I paid for RW’s on the promise of getting money that NEVER got refunded. I watched as we paid fees to EDEN and then had the door slammed in my face repeatedly when I called for help in dealing with the eUK. Only when I went to Ramso, Krems, Snakeyes, and other leaders directly did they thanks to our beloved EDEN alliance. When we were poised to take London after taking so many eUK regions with little direct EDEN support did EDEN even listen to what I was saying. Even then however they could not be bothered. Instead they demanded I put my oh so close taking of London on hold to go and open up a new battle in Scandinavia. EDEN never was interested despite our success...and they aren’t interested now in our hour of need.

Now we stand on the brink of watching Phoenix push deeper. We stare at propaganda from Phoenix about how this attack is not personal. What happens? EDEN releases a news article and does not even make mention of us. It takes Chucky Norris to comment about our situation in the article, to even get our situation seen. We have lost our Eastern Seaboard and EDEN can’t even be bothered to mention anything about it in their newspaper!!!

Those of you who continue to cling to the belief that EDEN is the right place for us, I beg you to think again. EDEN is a failure and the sooner we get out of the sinking failboat, the better. It has been 18 months since we had a true and real demand from our alliance...18 months!! Where are they? Our closest Broliance partner, the eUSA has signed an MPP with Brazil and can’t help us, nor have they even tried to...where the heck are they? Ireland finds themselves embroiled in a scandal around betraying us...what should we make of that? I am not suggesting we join Phoenix...but better options do exist. We just need to have the Titanium balls to step up and secure them. If we don’t, we may become a Phoenix nation...not by choice...but by force.


Yours In The Face Of Reality,