Facts. Plato Facts.

Day 1,921, 12:14 Published in Romania Romania by Real Vasi
Toti il stiu pe Plato, dar putini stiu lucruri personale despre el, precum...
Everybody knows Plato, but there are few that know personal stuff about him, such as...
A fost considerat un copil ciudat.
Was considered weird as a child.

A fost talentat la baschet de mic.
Was good at basketball from young age.

Si-a cunoscut viitoarea sotie in lift.
Met his future wife in a elevator.

A castigat increderea viitorului socru inca de la prima intalnire.
Earned the trust of his girlfriend’s father on the first date.

S-a casatorit la 18 ani.
Married at the age of 18.

Adora pozele de grup.
Loves group pictures.

A fost membru PIB (Preoti in Negru (Black)).
Was member of PIB (Priests in Black).

Are un crocodil drept animal de companie.
Has a crocodile as a pet.

A fost arestat odata pentru ca a ras prea zgomotos.
Was once arrested for laughing too loud.

A avut o experienta... nefericita la dusuri.
Had an... unfortunate experience at showers.

O data, a facut un scaun sa zambeasca.
Once, he made a chair smile.

A fost membru intr-o trupa Hip-Hop.
Was member in a Hip-Hop band.

Adora jocurile online.
Loves online gaming.

Nu suporta zapada.
Can’t stand snow.

A fost somer dupa absolvirea facultatii.
Was jobless after college graduation.

A jucat baschet drept o slujba cu jumatate de norma.
Played basketball as part job.

A avut un rol minor in filmul Titanic.
Had a minor role in Titanic.

A fost primul om care a pasit pe soare.
Was the first man to walk on the Sun.

Iubeste pisicile...
Loves cats...

Si cainii.
And dogs.

Antreneaza porumbei pentru curse.
Trains pigeons for races.

Este singurul om in viata care a vazut un dinozaur real.
Is the only man alive that saw a real dinosaur.

Adora sa-i priveasca pe altii muncind.
Loves to watch other people working.

A fost agent KGB sub acoperire.
Was undercover agent of KGB.

A avut o slujba drept semn de usa la toaleta.
Had a job as a toilet door sign.

Are prieteni puternici.
Has powerful friends.

Nu crede in Incalzirea Globala.
Doesn’t believe in Global Warming.

Testeaza in prezent noua arma Q8.
Is currently testing the new Q8 Tank.