EZC War Games

Day 1,622, 11:58 Published in USA USA by Neron Trocki
**** keep in mind this is a work in PROGRESS , any hints, suggestions,ideas will be more than welcome O7 ****

since Im losing more and more of my sanity with this, I ask for you to aks Twisted-Pixel what will be done in the future/present....
The winning pot stands,
just do not "improve" my ideas in the future by pulling the old "switcharoo", brag about how its awesome, then when it crumbles ( the idea) start playing the old "Blame Game". Thanks but no thanks. but whats done is done, moving on

To the rest of you, keep on kicking ass ! O7

WAR GAMES ARE A GO since day 1623! for more information, ask TP, I just dont know whats going on anymore

So, what are war games ?

Well, to keep it simple, it will be a contest of daily kills based on regiments / fighters

Can I participate ?

You would be a fool not too 😉 Anyone in EZC can! Just make OVER 29 kills ( or DONT, to help your regiments stats 😉

Are there prizes ?

Yes, but they are all donated, so right now the winning pool isn't so big, although it WILL be sufficient to "refuel" our troops 😉 also, a fact - the regiment that takes the win will be well fed ! that is for sure 😛
--also, BRAGING rights for the regiment that wins are ensured until another War Game arises

Can I contribute ?

Absolutely, send your donations to me or stewy with or without a PM, Ill list you as a benefactor. Remember - every bit helps.

How long will the Games last

well this is the first of such games, so for "trials" we will give it 7 days ( 6 days to count kills )

Are there any rules ?

Yes ! ALL members of EZC, who's kills exceed 29 kills will be counted

WINNING POT ( so far )
7 gold
7000 USD
5000 q5 food
2500 q3 food
600 q3 tanks
80 q6 tanks

donators : bigcdizzle (5g), Ebolamonkey99(5000 usd ), Gnilraps ( 5000q5 food ), cluch (450 food), jmarsh98(80q6) and many more smaller donations ( like 20 q1 guns and such ) which I unfortunately gave away in giveaways xD Sry - to make up for it, I gave 2g 2k usd, all the q3 food and all q3 tanks so its fair

the Captain is the main actor for War Games, make sure you spam him to the fullest !
Captains must be aware who will fight, and when ( leaves room for strategies, to have only ONE player do kills while others do the Daily Order, and raise the overall stats of the day )

so to summarize :
this is FOR FUN
PM your Captain
have fun
no gloating until AFTER the Games are WON 😃

I wish you all a pleasant day !


Stay Easy !