Explanation to Hungary [Special edition from eSlovenia]

Day 1,338, 02:21 Published in Hungary Serbia by Vlada Republike Slovenije

Dear Hungary

This is official statement of Slovenian government towards Hungarian citizens regarding the dispute around Swiss region Deutschschweiz (in the article: DS).

Many of you are asking yourself: Why Slovenia won’t give DS to old allies like Hungary? Why so many fuss and problems around it? There are quite some reasons.

We would gladly give the region away if it was the Hungary who was in need for it, but it is not. Hungary already has the bridge to it’s regions in France and USA, Hungary does not need DS at all. It is Slovakia who wants to claim German regions and with them, aluminium. Hungarian government wants to assist them in this matter.
Our governments made a deal last month, that Slovenia won’t be giving DS away, Hungary then took German regions and apparently did not get them from Slovakia permanently, but only for a few weeks. Now, after few weeks, the negotiations reopened and we are talking about the same thing which was solved already a month ago.
You probably already know that we do not have good relations with Slovakia. The problem appeared few months ago when Slovakia deleted Austria from the map. Austria was always one of the best friends of Slovenia and we did our best to prevent this from happening through negotiations, Slovakia on the other hand did not care at all but declared NE. Slovenia naturally fought for Austria and it was at that time when we were accused of being traitors for fighting against a pro-ONE country (Slovakia) by Smrtan, which resulted in several RWs started by Slovaks in our Italian and Swiss regions, up till now (last one happened just last week). RWs are usually also supported by some of the Polish military groups. Because of this and because of their attitude, we find it really impossible to lose our Iron region because of Slovakian interests.

The second, maybe even more important reason is, that we did not get any suitable offer from Hungary that could replace our 20% wep bonus. Some of our tank companies already moved to other ONE countries with higher bonuses, if we lose these 20%, our wep economy will be ruined completely. Offering us food bonus as replacement is absurd, gold and tanks can’t save our weapon industry... Offers ranged from nearly acceptable ones that were usually rejected by one side the next day, to the ones where we felt absolutely insulted. Since negotiations are still running (but currently on null point), we can’t reveal these to public.

Third reason is the rejection of our membership from ONE. Every single government of Slovenia in the past tried to do all the necessary things so we could join the alliance, but we were constantly put on hold for whatever reason ONE leaders could make up at that time. At the same time we were sending and are still sending our troops to ONE battlefields daily while getting no support in return for example in RWs. It was this month when we were finally rejected. This is the reason the majority of Slovenian publicity started thinking about alternatives and public opinion turned against ONE drastically including the opinion of our government. That’s why we started some talks with former allies and ABC about possible new unions, but these were just talks, nothing more evolved from it. The real disappointment is, that we are being lied in the face from Hungarian government and ONE leaders. Here are some of the claims:
-Hungary did not know we want in ONE
-one of the reasons why ONE rejected us was, that we did not actually get invitation from them
-we can’t join ONE because we are a weak country and they would have to save us from the enemy (while our only enemy on borders is surrounded by two of ONE superpowers and the alliance owns the whole world...)
-we were said 1 month ago that we must wait for 5th July and ONE will tell us on that day whether we are accepted or not. Time passed, 5th July passed by with no answer. On the day of the rejection ( a week later), we were told that the thing with 5th July is not true and that our government talked to fake ONE representatives. How many more blatant lies can we handle?

These are all lies and we can’t even believe this is happening right now.. this is a comedy. It’s like someone thinks we are complete idiots and we will believe everything just because we are small and unimportant. Sorry, won’t go.
The fact is, that Slovenia got invitation in ONE from Serbia, on Hungarian suggestion (as we were told), already in the times when ONE was not even an alliance, when it was only forming on the basis of 4 superpowers... and then the offer was repeated soon after it’s official creation. Technically speaking, we should be entering in the first wave. And here we are, after months and months of waiting, we were rejected and the very country that initially suggested us as a member now claims that they did not even know we want in ONE... what should we think about such incompetency?

Fourth reason. Other known Slovenians made a pressure on me (president). They told me that someone from Hungarian government contacted them and told them that we are harsh negotiators and that we won’t give DS region if we don’t get something of equal importance back. I don’t know what’s the point of contacting someone who might not even be active or if he/she doesn’t follow the events. It’s immoral that person like that would judge, it needs to be debated between the governments. As usually, enforcing through all the avalible channels.

Fifth reason. Few days ago, when we lost Trentino-South Tirol due to RW, we were accused by Hungarian government of betrayal, that we intentionally lost that RW and that we are cooperation with Croatia and Romania. All of this because Italy made a NE proposal against Hungary. Of course we explained all of that and the matter was solved. Truth? We spent a few tens of thousands SIT on tanks for local and foreign troops, but after loosing the initial battles and seeing EDEN fully devoted in RW, we decided it will be much cheaper to declare NE the next day. Our army orders were top priority fight for Slovenia. RW in Veneto next day was won by us only because we spent around 200.000 SIT on tanks for Slovenians and foreign troops.

You can be angry on us to, it goes both ways. There was some confusion because of Howly’s articles in which Hungarians saw “mudslinging” of their country. Howly only made some criticism as his personal opinion. Hungarians of course understood that as viewpoint of our country, since Howly is (was) Slovenian MoFa. Let me point it out, those were personal viewpoints and not at all viewpoints of our government. Howly also wrote an article about Germany and published it in government newspaper which again stated only his opinions. Article was deleted soon after because of these reasons. Because of that I (FRLA) decided that Howly must leave ministry of foreign affairs, but not leave the goverment. I wanted that he would become information minister instead (so he could write viewpoints from government), but he did not want that, so we agreed that he resigns completely.

Let’s say this is as short as possible explanation to Hungarian citizens about our behaviour in the last few weeks. We want to let you know that Hungary is still seen as one of our greatest allies, but some of the actions from your government and ONE leadership makes us think that you don’t really think the same about us.
We sacrificed our nationally most important region, Prekmurje, so Serbia, and with them ONE itself could buy peace with Croatia while they could freely invade USA and now Asia. We have some level of safety with that contract thanks to Serbia.
Now we are on the edge of losing another important region and this is extremely hard to accept, because it is not for our benefits or benefits of a true ally, it’s for benefits of a hostile country. Hungary will have to decide whether it’s more important that Slovenia has it’s bonuses or 4 times smaller country gains them. On the end it really only comes to this important fact.


FRLA, President
cen1, Ministry of Defense
System_Shutdown, Ministry of Foreign Affairs