Experienced enough yet?!?!?!

Day 924, 18:25 Published in Canada Canada by Bill Forder
My fellow Canadians, Presidential elections are near, 4 more days until we vote and 5 more days until our new Prime Minister takes office. I have decided against staying quiet and I am publicly supporting a canidate.

It is DAL v.s CPF canidate and both parties want as many people to stick with their party for the elections. As you may or may not know, I am a loyal DAL member and have been in the party both lengths of my two stays in Canada. I have decided to go against my party's candidate, Dade Pendwyn, and I am supporting Addy Lawrence, this does not mean I am against the DAL, so please respect me decision.

Today I am only going to publish on Addy Lawrence's cabinet, in the coming days I will be publishing on different parts of his campaign

Did you know Addy Lawrence's overall cabinet has...
81669 experience points
148 Hard worker medals
74 Congress medals
1 President medal
2 Media Moguls
58 Battle hero medals
2 Resistance hero medals
70 Super soldier medals
10 Society builders
8478 Friends

This means that the cabinet has...
Worked 4440 days(12 years)
2220 days in Congress(6 years)
350 Strength
365 medals
1825 gold in medals
More friends then the populations of 44 countries in eRepublik(Not combined)
Brought 100 people to eRepublik

Now that's what I call experience