Expansion and Elections

Day 756, 09:36 Published in USA USA by Zanmor

Back to the Commune Alpha/CvP format. CA stuff about expansion, then general CvP announcements.

Commune Alpha

After reviewing our resources it seems we have around 25 Gold (in Gold or USD) available in the commune accounts. This is doubly exciting, first because it means with even just 3 permanent workers and others coming and going we have managed to make back basically all of the initial investment in one month and it seems as though we are ripe to expand! However, there is much to consider with this expansion. There are an incredible slew of possibilities to discuss here. First I’d like to address our broadest possibility, that of expansion into another country. When considering this I think it likely best to choose a nation and region that offers security and an ally of the eUS would probably be a good choice. The EDEN alliance gives us eleven options:

Country-Income Tax(general)-VAT (gen.)-Min. Wage in country’s currency

Bosnia and Herzegovina-5%-5%-1.5

I imagine any fortress region in any of these powers, backed by all those MPPs, would be incredibly secure. The fact that they’re all allied also means we won’t have to worry about war between the eUS and our other host nation. We should also check out borders with enemies and the strength of whichever markets and associated markets in the country we’ll be expanding into, as well as taxes. Easiest (allowing hopping between businesses as needed) and safest is right here in Florida, followed by some Canadian expansion (not what we’d typically consider foreign, but it is a different market and news outlet) and then a host of European regions that are a lot closer to Phoenix forces.

Next we need to determine where we want to expand. We might consider another food business, as we know this works and what the numbers are. Of course, we don’t have maximum active workers at the first one, so this seems a bit redundant at the moment. My personal vote is for Q1 weapons. On a check of the US market recently I saw iron selling at about .35 USD a unit and Q1 weapons at over $4. Bobby, Jstott or I could hop over to the weapons company and pump out 20 units a day for about $8 with a selling price of $80! You have to take taxes from that, but it’s easy to see that has a huge profit margin. I also like the idea of being able to supply ourselves with weapons to fight with (increasing damage 100😵 and think the more we can supply our worker-members with their basic needs the more likely we are to get more interest in the venture. While we shouldn’t rush this, we could also take advantage of the wars popping up all about to make back some money immediately on our investment.

Any other venture is bound to be profitable for us as well. Other manufacturing areas are worthwhile, though probably more difficult. Moving tickets and houses aren’t quite as lively markets in general. Raw materials require us to develop or find people with skills in that area to be profitable, where we have all been working as manufacturers for a month now.

As always, members or anyone with a passing interest can check out our forums here:


Conservative Party

Hey everyone, it looks like there’s gonna be some organization to things this month! Logan Dunleavy is organizing our candidates for congress. Be sure to check this out and message him if you are planning to run.

In other exciting news Emperor Rick made a bid for CvP Party President. I’m sure he’d make a fine PP, though he’s got a personal vendetta against me. I’m sure I’ve plenty of over-reactionary ill-will all over, but I’m not about to vote for a guy who calls me a terrorist.

And as usual, the forums are available here:


If anybody is interested in doing something besides name calling I’d be happy to chat.