Exilious Thoughts on the Gold Mine

Day 2,016, 17:12 Published in South Africa South Africa by Marmaduke IV

The following article is written by myself and is my opinion of the current situation involving the African Gold Mine and may not reflect the views of the Gold Party or any other group I may be affiliated with.

Today, our president released an article detailing results of the gold mine. Per an agreement made 2 months ago by "trusted" members of South African society, we were to split our gold mine with Brazil in a deal that would have us receiving the short end of a 60/40% stick. The way this was calculated is that any gold earned by someone registered as a South African Citizen went to SA and any citizen registered as a Brazilian citizen went towards the BR pool. This doesn't account for friends of the government (clout, misappropriation of citizenship passes) who were allowed to cross into BR, get citizenship, mine for gold and come back and get eSA citizenship right back.

Because Brazil actually ended up taking more gold than originally agreed upon, Brazil must now transfer the difference to the RBSA, which according to our president Ejdatful will be distributed as Rand to "certified citizens and honorary citizens".

Firstly, what is an Honorary Citizen?
An honorary citizen is someone who might be a former citizen of eSA who left us in favor of another country, but due to being friends (political clout for personal gain) with the current aristocracy in charge of the country, they will receive our hard earned gold (in addition to any gold they received from their own country).

Rather than tell you what a Certified citizen is, I will tell you what it takes to NOT be a certified citizen.
Argue with a member of the aristocratic monarchy. Oppose the current government, whether peacefully or with force (pto), run a campaign against the current government, be in a party that actively opposes the current administration, oppose the administration 4 years ago, refuse to use the SA forums, associate yourself in any of the above categories.

The fact of the matter is, despite the fact that they claim the issues was "discussed", it was done so in place not central to all players. The eSA forums are a horrid mess and have safety issues. Just last month an angry admin posted a list of many user IP addresses in an article. This is not a good way to increase forum activity.

The gold distribution is a matter of NOW and not 2 months ago. Whatever the administration and congress said 2 months ago is expired. The decision reached is unfair for plaers who fought their asses off, but might find themselves in the "wrong" political party. Denying a players hard fought gold because of their party is guilt by association and something this government is getting to be notorious for.

The FYROMs fought, the Lazzos fought. Did they not do damage? Why does a former citizen deserve gold but not the people that actually care about their country enough to be here, be active and fight for it?

The decision is wrong and only stands to widen the divide between South Africans and immigrants. I personally stand for equality for all South African citizens, regardless of your country of origin.