Exile in Saudi Arabia

Day 1,196, 04:20 Published in Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia by voice

لكل شيء إذا ما تم نقصان ...... فلا يغر بطيب العــيــش إنسانُ
هي الأمور كما شاهدتها دول ...... من سرهُ زَمنٌ ساءته أزمانُ
وهذه الدار لا تُبقي على أحد ...... ولا يدوم على حال لها شانُ
فجــــائع الدهر أنواع منوعةٌ ...... وللزمان مــســــراتٌ وأحزانُ

Dear Free UAE citizens,

i have important announcement today. For some RL issues, and after an invitation by Lawrence of Arabia, the president of UAE, your favorite Shaikha will leave into exile in Saudi Arabia, but her heart will be always with you. In Saudi Arabia i will be helping the community there, but i will remain in contact with all of you who will stay in the occupied UAE, and i will support all your decisions. It will be good for the resistance to have a new leader. My only advice be united. I am no longer the president of Free UAE, but i will remain always the princess of UAE, and i will continue to support you. I wish for the Free UAE leaders to unite and to have a better job than what i did!

The Emiri projects to help Arabic language will not stop, and anyone needs help is welcome to contact me

Dear Saudi Fellows,
I am here as explained above, i am not sure how long i will stay here, but the time i am here i will work as usual for Saudi Arabia and for the Arab countries, because as my favorite hymn says, all the lands of Arab are my home. i know there are social tensions, but i will try not to involve into them except to bring together the different opinions and to do more social work and of course to relax and overcome this particular period!

and for my friends
كُونُوا جَمِيعًا يا بَنِيَّ إذا اعْتَرى
****** خَطْبٌ ، ولا تتفرقوا آحادا
تأبى القِداحُ إذا اجتمعنَ تكسُرًا
****** وإذا افترقْنَ تكسرت أفرادا

voice, Shaikha and princess of UAE., a saudi citizen

* first poem translation:
For everything -when it is completed- a defect, so humans do not be fooled by good life.
Things as i have seen are turning, whom one time period pleases him, even more periods will hurt him
and this mundane life do not spare anyone, and never stays the same
the disasters of time are varying types, and time has pleasures and sadness

** second poem:
Be all together my sons if a crisis comes and don not disunite
The sticks when together resist breaking, but alone they are broken one by one