Exercise your democratic right and REFUSE TO VOTE...for this article

Day 531, 17:28 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson
DO NOT VOTE FOR THIS ARTICLE - Practice your voting rights!!!

After reading John Wilkmot's announcement a few minutes ago, I thought "Well there goes the news article I'm working on." No more Cleo, means no more story...sort of. I think it's just further proof that Star Wars day has been perverted yet more: "May the Farce be with you." Way to ruin my birthday even more.

Still, I feel the need to express my disappointment in the quality of this month's election process. It's been a markedly uninspiring set of campaigns and candidates after a very remarkable month. What can the simple citizen do? Several media people (Dominik, Adasko, and me) have been calling for spoiled ballots. That's not possible in eRep. Do we simply not vote? No, that would do no good and damage eCanada's activity, opening us up to possible TOs at some later date. So I propose the uninspired masses put up their own mini campaigns - namely, the negative attack ad.

No one is really cashing in on all the political capital just floating around out there. An RL marketing team would have a field day with the recent events associated with all parties. So, I'm letting eCanadians vent their frustration and their creativity. Let's put up the best set of attack ads an RL political advertising team would churn out. You know, Black Background, Red Lettering, Slow Image Fades, Sudden Freeze Frame and Attack Headline - cut and print.

Trying to keep it as balanced as possible among all candidates, I've put together a small collection of ads. Cleo might be gone but at least I can still get in a shot at the CSD.

No Clue Cleo. You have no clue who she is, no clue what she wants, no clue about what she’ll do. Vote “No” for Clueless Cleo. Do you honestly think she knows?

C-S-D. Ever think about how Cleo rose to power so fast? Ever wonder from where all those votes mysteriously appeared? C-S-D. The Cleo-Sutler-Duo. Do you really want another multi running your country? C-S-D. The name says it all.

Tom Hagen: "Life's a peach!" A vote for Tom is a vote for impeachment. Can history repeat istelf?Therein lies the paradox.

Miloslav – With a name like that, who needs AB to tell us the PNQ is a Hungarian TO squad. Sometimes you need to judge a book by its cover, especially when it’s in French.

It’s 10pm, May 4th, do you know where your tax dollars are? The Bruck stops here…all Thirty-Five Thousand of it. Vote to keep your tax dollars safe May 5th.

Keep on Bruckin’ needs a pitstop. The driver’s gotta go and the kids are in the back seat yellin' “Are we done yet!?”

So put out some of your own attack ad headlines in the comments below. Nothing said here will be taken seriously. Let it all out and you'll feel so much better grudingly going to the polls tomorrow. In fact DO NOT VOTE FOR THIS ARTICLE to express your protest vote and desire for ballot spoiling. Maintain your voter freedom!

***This article does not contain any verifiable evidence or valid political views. It is intended purely for entertainment purposes. No politicians were hurt in the creation of this article***