Day 2,981, 16:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by James W Yorkchester

Hello eUK from The London Globe! We here at the Globe work hard to bring great news to the average e Citizen. And so we with great pride, would like to announce interviews with Mr Woldy, MS10EL, and Aaron Mark Daniels!!!

Our first interview will be with MS10El then Aaron Mark Daniels and finally Mr Woldy. Our questions will be in bold and their answers regular.Thanks a lot for spending your time with The London Globe

First of all on behalf of The London Globe I want to say thank you for this morning's interview. MoD MS10EL; Nottingham, Leeds, Newcastle upon Tyne, Oxford, London. These are all a string of French victories in southern, and central eUK. Do you think that these victories are lucky wins or hard defeats? How do you think we will liberate these regions?

It's no problem at all. These battles against the French have clearly been tough for us. When they set CO against us, they have much larger funding than us, which is when the hard defeats occur. The amount of CO they have to put on these fights is very large. I don't know the current figure but near the start of the war i[t] was at least 8 million CC. To liberate them we have to keep fighting them, especially at the start of battles, to [be]fore the CO to be used on their side to flip the battles. We also have to keep starting RW's, to further drain them. I know that we are coordinating with allies to try and help us free these regions, but for now we just have to keep fighting.

Thank you. Could you please define CO, CC, and RW to our "Non veteran" players.
And as to the French, do you think that they can hold hold these regions? Also in the terms of success, how do you think that the eUK is on the world stage?

Well, for those non-veterans out there...
CO: Combat Order: Spent by military unit commanders from the MU fund, this is money that can be set on battles so that when players do damage, they get money from it. It encourages third parties to the conflict to fight for your side.

CC: Country Currency: This is the currency that you have that isn't Gold. In the UK it's called GBP, in other countries that differs depending on their real life currency. CC in every country is worth the same amount.

RW: Resistance War: One of the types of battles in eRep[ublik], this is started in a captured territory by the former owners of it. So, for example, the UK can start RW's on regions such as London, if 10 people pay 1000 CC to support it each. The longer London is owned by France, the higher the damage bonus we get when attacking it is.

The French can hold these regions quite easily, I believe, if only one or two (the maximum the UK can set on France) battles are ever up, and continue pushing into our other regions if they so choose. If you look at the CO's they have available for the current battle (Linkin D1 alone) , it's clear they still have money to spend on these fights, and we just don't have nearly as much.

On the world stage, we're a weak force compared to many other countries, but a fairly active one. Lots of meta procedures, for example, in congress, that other countries don't have, and our democratic dictator is a well-functioning safeguard for the country. Our current alliance makes us bigger players on the world stage, but we are still lacking in firepower at points (take the French war, for example).

So do you think that congress should let in most if not all people seeking eUK citizenship? Also do you have any word to French Embassy Official, a newspaper that was recently published in eUK?

Absolutely not. That would be an incredibly bad decision. The citizenship committee that congress has evaluates all applicants to the eUK and will bring them in according to whether they are likely to be a threat to the eUK or not, their reasons for moving, etc., as well as their damage. The majority of the people who move are usually low-leveled accounts anyway.

As for the newspaper, I have no idea what that is.

Before I end this interview, are there any final thouhgts on eUK, and the coming congress elections?

I hope the UK continues to stay as active as it is, and such an interesting place to be all the time. As for congress....vote for TUP! I'm not really sure what else to say on that, aside I'll be running for congress with TUP again this term, and hope we at least retain 10 seats, providing no complications from France arise.

Mr Woldy, you are eUK's constitutional monarchy. Maybe you could explain what powers you have and what exactly a constitutional monarchy is to our newer readers on eRepublik.

The constitutional monarch title is actually a conflation of two roles I have in the eUK - I am both the constitutional Dictator, and the monarch. The two get bunged together as a colloquialism.

I was made the eUK's monarch a few years ago, parliament had made a monarch act, originally to try and generate a baby boom by appointing real life celebrities as monarchs in the hope they may tweet about the eUK etc. They didn't, and instead the position was handed to citizens whom were seen as having made large contributions to the eUK, with the title being given to new King's as old ones left the game. When my predecessor, Kumnaa, left eRep the community held a referendum on who should be the next King, and I was appointed consequently. It's largely a community based role and I use it as a premise for fundraising and charities/competitions.

The constitutional Dictator role is much newer, and was basically bestowed upon me because the public decided they could trust me to 'look after' the 'buttons'. The Dictator is an ingame position that gives me the power to start wars, alter taxes, and move money - powers which are usually in the hands of the country president and congress. However, the eUK fell victim to a hostile MTO, where an enemy citizen takes over the dictator role and takes the money, starts wars etc. It was decided the best option was too have a friendly Dictator to prevent this happening again, and the constitution was written up as a set of rules for the Dictator to follow. A vote was held and I was selected as the individual who could be trusted to follow those rules. In short, I only pass laws and push buttons with the command and permission of the CP and Congress, in theory maintaining a democracy.

Thank you. What hopes do you think will be accomplished in your "reign"? How do you plan on making eUK a stronger, more dominant nation in eRepublik?

As out of respect for the Democratic process I leave much of the politics to the decision making bodies with democratic mandates, much of my personal hopes and goals are based more around the eUK as a society/community than the eUK as a meta-game military entity. But I firmly believe the two are inseparable anyway. I often work to try and make the community a more enjoyable, friendly and welcoming place which I have always believed is crucial for the retention of new players and so has a positive impact on the power of the eUK as a nation. Politically, I shall continue to uphold my responsibility as a fair pillar of the constitution who respects the rights of Congress and the Cabinet. At some point, I may have to think about who can replace me in this role, which will be such a huge challenge as it really depends on finding someone who believes in the principles of democracy and who won't abuse the most powerful position the eUK has going.

Thank you Mr Woldy. What if all of eUK's territories were liberated, then what would be eUK's next priority? Would you consider eUK a nation of progress, or decline?

Once we are liberated I think we always need to turn to geopolitics and our own society to think what we can do to strengthen our position. I think the eUK has always been fairly progressive in how it approaches the game, and it has a good core of players who I have found to be great to talk to and to game with outside of erep, and those sorts of bonds are what the eUK is all about.

A hot topic for eUK, is the French invasion. What do you think led to this? And do you think that eUK politics can lead to a better relationship with France, or is that just not possible in eRepublik.

The [F]rench invasion came about by a historic eRepublik rivalry. France and UK will always be at war or at odds, or at peace. Before your time, the beginning of November we invaded France to help out our buddies Belgium. We ended this war at the beginning of my CP term, and they invaded us at the end. This time with a lot more money. So it's hard to say really, could be a number of reasons. I know they like our weapons bonuses.
It is not possible unless something drastic changes. Them being Asteria, and us being the complete opposite side of the coin.

Thank you, Mr. Daniels. With the Congress elections coming up in a week, who do you support, and who do you think will win? Also, do you have any advice for eUK citizens living in French controlled eUK?

Not sure you understand the congress mechanics, people vote for the party and get a proportionate amount of seats. On this basis, TUP will get the most votes as usual 🙂

eUK citizens living in france, KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON. HANG IN THERE. YOu WILL SURVIVE AND BE HOME SOON!. Also buy moving tickets and come home when you can! o7
Also fight them please.

Well then lassies and laddies, this marks the end o f today's news. I hop you enjoyed the expert advice given by some of eUK's finest. Make sure to like, subscribe, and vote!!!!