Exclusive Interview with Nithraldur!

Day 530, 16:18 Published in Ireland Ireland by Vyse

Today I got to have a pint with the Irish Union Party country President Candidate Nithraldur. As founder of the Irish Union Party I was eager to get the scoop on him. Here is the full interview for your reading pleasure.

As you have been Taoiseach before Nith can you tell my readers your main achievements during your mandate?

The most important realisation was the effective establishment of seriously improved international relations. Ireland became better known as it participated in some high profile congresses at that point. It also remained very well informed on the development of a possible new alliance. Many other nations were also contacted and offered diplomatic bargains, which lead to more than 15 countries returning the favour whenever needed. Negotiations with the UK about Northern Ireland were also picked up again with renewed vigour, however, the outcome of this was that the current residents of Northern Ireland do not even wish to see us unified, which closed down the subject.

What made you decide to run for Office again this month?

I was approached by our current party president, Severin. He asked me if I would represent the IUP once more and I gladly agreed to do this, as I felt it was necessary a different alternative had to be proposed to the people of Ireland.

You beat your opponent Kiemar last time you was elected. Do you think both your policies have changes much from last time?

I believe policies have to change. The world changes and so does Ireland. Therefore you have to adopt new policies, evaluate new options & approaches and employ them. You can not hold fast to old policies which may be terribly outdated by now, like for example, the new concept of healthcare. Adopt, adapt & improve, like a certain gentleman once said and I take this to heart.

What is you position on the planned War Games?

My position on war games is that we can only benefit from them. Altough organisation has to be much smoother. I know that there are several governments that need to be in consensus for this to work, but keeping the people in the loop at which stadium these talks are at is the least that can be done. War games improve combat experience, experience in general, improve wellness and thus boosting the economy, possibly attract new citizens and allow our defenses to be properly molded into a quick and effective, or in short, a well organised fighting force. I would pursue them and do my utter best to realise them as adequate as possible.

What are your views on the current World conflict? What role do you see Ireland taking in it?

We have to face the facts, Ireland is still a small nation. Especially compared to the large alliances. Therefore I feel that Ireland should only take part in struggles where we do not have a moral conflict. We should always uphold justice and only fight for a good cause, not because of any pressure but because we believe it to be the right thing to do. That being said, I would like to see our military take a much more active role in some form of peace – keeping troughout the globe, by offering either military assistance, advice or even supplies.

With key Irish citizens like Collins retiring from Government do you feel you can put together a strong cabinet this month?

There are plenty of new able bodied politicians rising up in Ireland who would do their best to uphold the standards of Ireland and serve it’s people. It is sad to see experienced members take a less active role, but that’s just the way it is. I feel that it is a waste of time to occupy ourselves with things we can’t remedy, I rather spend time on things that we can still have an impact on and alter the outcome. One of those being the appointment of new ministers, who can learn from the experience of their predecessors and with a little more guidance can be of the same value to Ireland as those key figures once were.

Finally what will be the first thing you do as Taoiseach?

Let’s not sell the skin of the bear before we’ve shot it I’d say, but if you really want to know, I’m eager to taste the new batch of those delicious presidential issue biscuits. When I’m finished with those, the first thing on the table will be to establish a fully functioning cabinet as quickly as possible. Like I have said during my previous mandate, having a consensus driven and active government is necessary if we want the rest of the World to take Ireland seriously.

So there you have it that's the dish on Nith. I hope you enjoyed reading it. I hope to soon get a reply off Kiemar the ISRP candidate and publish that interview. (It's possible he has sent it on the forums but for some reason I can't access them right now.) Till then stay classy Northwest.