Day 827, 08:55 Published in Iran Iran by Embassy of eRussia in eIran

Today, for our newspaper, as well as for the embassy of eRussia, is a great day. Today we made happy by the visit of His Majesty, Mr. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran.

Mr. Minister acquainted with the latest news from Russia, inquired about the working conditions of the embassy.
Mr. Minister also agreed to give our newspaper interview, which our newspaper publishes more in an exclusive manner.

- Mr. Minister, we sincerely thank you for taking the time and agreed to the interview to our newspapers. Tell me, please, for you personally as a e-citizen of the post MoFA is a purely personal achievement or recognition of your dignity?

Mr Ambassador, first let me thank you for your special activities in eIran. I believe you will see more hospitality from people here after some time. I've been told that you have enough knowledge about Iran and Iranian people so it's easy to see you have more friends here.

Going back to the interview, well, it's difficult to answer your first question. I've been chosen for this honorable position after a long time working hard in the media by translating articles in any language into Persian, giving some recommendations to the officials at the end, and having some especial officials contacts in the world

- How do you assess the eRussian-eIranian relations from the perspective of bilateral format?

- The relation between eIran and eRussia has always been good and stable. We both had felt the strong threat of eRomania for a long time. At that time, Iranian soldiers and our brave tanks, as one of the MAIN armies in the alliance, tried hard to stop evils from invading and occupying your mother land.

In some harsh and bloody battles, we stopped the enemies in the narrow passages of the Norway just to help our ally, the GREAT Russia.

- And how do you assess the relations between eRussia and eIran in terms of membership in the overall alliance?

- Both countries are honorable members of the Phoenix alliance. But thanks to your good question, I have to explain two things.

First, alliances here are particularly formed because of wars. Geopolitically, this has worked fine for quite a long time, but other potentials such as economy have never been considered important and equal.

Second, Iranians have always fought hard in all battlegrounds throughout the world. The average damage of our soldiers was one of the highest in the alliance even when that was not really necessary, for instance in the eFrance wars. I remember my salary was directly consumed in the GUN market only to help eFrance and later in Indonesia just to help our allies.

In our eyes, loyalty to our alliance had a better meaning comparing to being Iranian.

So, if you still see the complaints about Iran –Alliance relations the reason comes from the past. The word "past" here means all of our experience and history.

- What do you think is particularly interesting cooperation between eIran with the northern neighbor?

- Two things: Economy and Economy!

As you may have seen currently, we are suffering from having no access to the noble Iron. So, I have to seriously ask Russian Iron producers to join our market.

But for a sustainable long term solution, eRussia along with our other allies to help us find and establish our own Steel Castle on the east.

- Alliance won, thanks largely to Russia, its epic victory in the Asian continent. Please give me your assessment of this fact in terms of head of diplomatic offices.

- That epic war was great. Many thanks for eRussia for initiating and executing that operation. It happened in the right time, right place, and checkmate!

I know there were some top ranked Iranians in the war that their names can be seen in the top ten but I believe it was eRussia who dominated the Shakhmaty squares

- Mr. Minister, you, in your position, distinguished by the experience, understanding of game mechanics and visionary analytical thinking. Could you give futurological forecast: how will eRussia in the 950-day New World?

- It's really not easy to forecast the situation of eRussia at that time not because we are unable to see the trends but because that period will be greatly influenced by V2.

I personally think eRussia will have its continuous growth in population and GDP. It's just the matter of time to see a red flag over the white house

- And in conclusion, what you would like to wish the friendly people of eRussia?

- I wish them luck wherever they are. My brother studied medicine in of the world class universities in Moscow and got all his degrees there. So, I like your beautiful country, especially cold weather, hot drinks, and happy nation


We thank Mr. Minister, for his interesting interview and for his efforts in strengthening relations between Russia and Iran.

We are also glad to see you, dear Iranian friends in the eRussian Embassy!

