Exclusive Interview with Kiemar!

Day 530, 17:23 Published in Ireland Ireland by Vyse

Now I have finally found a way onto my forum account. I give you an Interview with the -IRSP- Country President candidate Kiemar. I hope you all enjoy it.

This will be the second time you have run for Taoiseach . Have your policies changed much from last time?

Very much so. The last time I ran for Taoiseach I saw the need for much change in the Irish government. This time around I believe we as a nation are headed in the right direction. There are conflicts over minor issues, but all of us are in general agreement about what we need to do and where we need to go. This term I am not promising revolutionary change, I am offering action. I think the action I speak about will be better answered in your other questions.

You lost to Nith last time you ran. What would you say lost it for you last time?

Many people felt Inquitus had a very successful presidency and a lot of people were upset not to see an IUP candidate up for election the next term. Personally I saw the need for a lot of change, which was what my platform was built upon in that election. At first the options were between me, a younger politician who wanted to deviate from the previous administration, and 5n4keyes who was widely distrusted for reasons I won't go into. When Nith announced he was running people saw him as a middle ground candidate who would continue Inquitus' policies in another IUP presidency. I have to hand it to him, more Irish citizens agreed with him than me.

What made you decide to run this month?

After a long debate the ISRP decided to nominate me as Presidential candidate because I was the most qualified for the position due to my length of activity in Ireland and my participation in the last two Presidencies. Knowing my party had confidence in me I accepted the nomination looking forward to enacting some of the reforms I have been hoping to see for quite a while.

What is you position on the planned War Games?

As Minister of Foreign Affairs I was highly involved with the negotiations for the War Games for quite a while until the plan was thrown out for a different plan involving all of Atlantis. This has yet to come to fruition simply because Atlantis is involved in a global war which is higher on their agenda than Ireland's war games. We should continue to pursue these actively, but it could be a while until it actually occurs. The first thing we need to do is get our Ministry of Defense in order so that we can actually participate in conflict.

What are your views on the current World conflict? What role do you see Ireland taking in it?

Atlantis and PEACE continue to fight tooth and nail over every territory they can, and that's their own conflict, not Ireland's. However I will always believe we have a duty to protect the sovereignty of nations that are either neutral or have become pawns of Atlantis or PEACE and cannot defend themselves. I proposed pledging military aid to South Africa in their war for independence, and I would support signing an MPP with a similar nation under attack. Becoming involved abroad gives the IDF training, gives citizens something to fight for, and increases Ireland's reputation abroad.

With key Irish citizens like Collins retiring from Government do you feel you can put together a strong cabinet this month?

Absolutely. I believe the cabinet must be filled by the most determined and qualified person. There are plenty of "baby boomers" who have not had a chance to be a part of government that may have novel ideas to bring to the table and who may be much more active than the usual ministers. If I am elected every applicant will be considered regardless of age, and I feel a mixture of youth and experience will create a very strong cabinet.

Finally what will be the first thing you do as Taoiseach?

The first thing I will do if I am elected Taoiseach is to seek a new Minister of Defense that has the recommendation of the current IDF CO's. Until our Defense Ministry is in order we are helplessly unarmed, and we need someone who is active, organized, and trusted by the soldiers. I will also fill the Supreme Court if it is not filled by the time the election is over, as this is something I feel is critical to our nation.

I'd like to thank Kiemar for his time and effort. I hope these interviews have made your decision of who to vote easier.