EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: find out all details of the TO of eItaly

Day 751, 12:36 Published in Romania Croatia by Rijeka051

Dear readers,I bring you the interview with Atea,one of many people that participated in the Political Takeover of eItaly 25.7-25.8 2009.

So Atea,it was a long time ago,but tell me how did it all began?
The Takeover of eItaly was often mentioned as an interesting idea,but none of us never took it seriously.The first time I actually started thinking seriously about that was after the proposal of Roby Petric,on the kongress election day.During that time eCroatia was under Hungarian-Serb Takeover and the Takeover of eItaly was some kind of plan B. 7 days before „D-day“ during the emeting in Split we were discussing again about that idea.It was summer so we had enough
time and the next day matrixcore, Damjan Grozni and me started picking a name for the operation.

How did you pick the name ?
Well we were on the msn and it took us several hours.My suggestion was Ferragosto. For those that do not know it is the name of the Italian holiday when they come on our shores on vacation.It starts 01.08 and I also liked the irony that can be linked with the name of the operation.

Who partecipated ?
Eh,half of eCroatia.Mogwaii made a secret channel #ferragosto on rizonu and then we started gathering people with great expirience and knowledge in which we had a full confidence.Devoted people that were able to spend hours on IRC. We needed people with high experience due to voting.We planned everything to the last detail.The names of people who participated are in this article that I published after the successful takeover.
So here are the players that made all important decisions:

Damjan Grozni,
Dmitar Zvonimir II,

People that were tasked for the distribution of votes were: Hrvo88, webstartm, Sucko, Alkemichar, coki, brijach and many others.We must not forget all the congressman who stayed in Italy for a month,HOS who voted there and our sponsors who helped us with the initial capital and tickets: Hrvo88, webstartm,Sucko, Alkemichar, coki, brijach. We got a lot of help from GROM and PMFT.I must also admit that who operation would not have succeded if wujek didn't helped me contact Szpil and the guys from the Wild Ants(group in PMFT). I am grateful to wujek who had also organised the sign up of the polish players.

What was the main reason of the political Takeover of eItaly?
The main reason was an attempt to take back the HRK that the Serbs and Hungarians stole from eCroatia during 25.06.-25.07. Immedialty after the operation we set the conditions:“Give us back the HRK and we are leaving eItaly and are returning all the italian LIR.
At that time,eItaly was part of the PEACE alliance and those conditions seemed us more that fair.With this operation we helped the Croatian economy to recover.For what concerns PEACE it was the beginning of his end because the Italians but also some other members of the alliance saw the arrogance of some stronger states that refused to send help.

On which way have you managed to achieve such success and how did you negotiated?
We achieved success because our eHomeland is unified in times of need.This operation was quite different for many eplayers.Our objective was to became a majority in the Italian parlament,and we succeded in that.I must also admit that the organisation was brought to the perfection.The kongressman were working in shifts to print and transfer the money.There was no time to waste.We had a lot of fun during that time.
But is worthy mentioning is that our offer was all the time on the table:“Give us the HRK and we will give you back the lires.It is all published on the eDomovina forum.

Ok,you had the majority in the Congress,but where did you get the money for printing?
Well we borowed the money from eCroatia(this was not an official action and AndyCro told us immediatly that he doesn't support us).However this did not stop him to borow us some gold.This loan was shortly after returned and we borowed 2000 gold from Sweden.
The Swedish government with its leader rotedom and treasurer St00rom borowed the money to me personally without any contract and interest for full three months.After the operation we offered them an amout of lires as a sign of gratitude but they refused.Although they were against political Takeover they borowed us the money anyway.A true friend will always help you.2000 gold were returned after three months as it was agreed.
We were transfering the printed money from eItaly to an organisation created just for this purpose.But after someone created another organisation with the same name,we decided to transfer the money to Borkan's account and one part to uor National Bank(HN😎.
Although at first we decided that the access to money will only have 2 persons Borkan and mogwaii,at the end we agreed that only Borkan will have this responsability.

Now one question that our italian neighbors want to know..where is the money?
The lires are spended exclusively on the defence of our eHomeland.I am talking about the lires that remained on Borkans' account after we paid the debts of printing them.One part was also transfered to HNB to be on disposal of the eCroatian presidents.For the end I want to say it was fun.Collaboration and organisation among the people who participated in the TO was great.We all wanted just one thing,to help eCroatia and make turmoil in PEACE.
We even had one American who later became an eCroatian,one member of our military elite ZDRUG,and one Pole also.We also could have won the presidential Elections but it wasn't in our interest to take territory from eItaly.We didn't even changed their taxes,minimum wages etc.But we did a good job with the italian lires.Over 800k were printed.If I have ever doubted in the rightness of our TO now I definitly don't because the eHungarians and eSerbs could have
changed our HRK for the lires but they didn't.And the eItalians know that.Maybe this serb-hungarian act is the main cause why the PEACE fall apart.

Atea I thank you for this interview.So my dear readers,now you know how did the TO of eItaly happened.
