eWorld Warfare Report

Day 2,116, 10:28 Published in USA USA by Bucephalus92

Greetings Bros,

North America

Not much going on in North America at the moment, Canada is enjoying finally having most of its regions again due to its deal with Spain. Meanwhile the United States and Mexico are ignoring Poland and instead focusing their attention on helping allies, having 51 regions has its benefits.

South America

The last of Brazil's original regions has been conquered by Argentina, leaving them with only one region in South Africa, KwaZulu Natal, which is currently under attack by Argentina. The battle is currently 55-0 in Argentina's favor so barring some military miracle we can expect Brazil to be wiped later today. Brazil has launched a resistance war to try and prevent this however they are losing 47-8 to Argentina.


Quite a lot going on in Europe at the moment
Bulgaria's airstrike into Lithuanian controlled Norway was a great battle to watch with the outcome uncertain right up until the very end, its success will mean a lot to the nations of Asgard who have been on the defensive for months, as well as the people of Bulgaria who will be able to secure congress elections after being wiped. All around this operation was a great success for Asgard and CoT. Despite this victory there has been no rest for the nations involved in this conflict. Sweden is currently launching a resistance war to regain their last region from the Lithuanians while also launching an offensive against Latvia. Finland meanwhile has launched an offensive against the Lithuanian controlled region of Svalbard Jan Mayen as well as Estonian controlled Southern Finland. Finland is currently set to lose both those battles, but will hang onto Nord Norge, which is currently being hit by a resistance war.

The other primary conflict ongoing conflict in Europe is the attempt by CoT and its allies to dismantle Slovenia, currently this operation is going exceedingly well with Croatia and France both succeeding in their direct attacks, while Swiss and Austrian resistance wars have also succeeded. Italy is also beating back Slovenia's direct attack against them in Tuscany, meaning they will regain initiative and be able to launch direct attacks against Slovenia in conjunction with France and Croatia. While the attack on Slovenia is going well a glance to the East shows that Serbia is quickly rebuilding their stronghold in the Balkans. With the Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) already erased from the Balkans with Bosnia and Herzegovina quick to follow Serbia will have to choose between attacking Croatia or Albania. An attack on Croatia might lessen the burden on Slovenia however regardless of what happens it is safe to say that Slovenia will have some rebuilding to do.

The Middle East

Really not much to report on regarding the Middle East, Greece (brown) and Turkey (pink) have essentially taken whatever they want. Israel (purple) and Iran (silver) also have decent holdings while Egypt (red), Saudi Arabia (green), and United Arab Emirates (other little purple) take what they are given.


Albania, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina remain safe in their Indian colonies.

China is maintaining an easy 10/10, currently holding regions in North Korea, Japan, Pakistan, and the Philippines (and Tibet). Taiwan has control over all of South Korea, meanwhile Portugal is chilling in the Japanese regions that they took via airstrike.

Australia and Oceania

The airstrike launched by the Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) against New Zealand succeeded and they have since taken over all of New Zealand. They are currently fighting off a resistance war in Otago, they are currently leading 42-2. Nearby ally Indonesia is currently fighting off an attack by Australia in New South Wales. If Indonesia lost this battle it would allow the Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) to gain an additional two bonuses by invading Australia's two remaining regions. Despite this and the fact that these regions hold no bonuses for them Indonesia seems intent on winning the battle, currently leading 55-0

Thanks for reading!

Man I love Imgur

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