eWorld Warfare Report

Day 1,821, 19:13 Published in USA USA by Bucephalus92

Greetings bros,


So lets take a look at the more important happenings in the eworld today shall we?

To kick things off we take a trip to South America

The green circle in this image was formerly Argentina's oil bonus, it is the original region of the Peruvians, Southern Low Amazon. Things have been going very poorly for the Argentinians as of late, there attempt to move into New Zealand to gain a 10/10 bonus as well as engage their old rival of Chile initially looked solid, as they gained a 10/10 bonus with the acquisition of Auland. However the pendulum of battle quickly swung out of the favor of the Argentinians favor as they lost initiative in their war and found themselves on the defensive against Chile and New Zealand.

The Argentinians will now have to put up a strong defensive effort to regain initiative if they want to reacquire the 9/10 bonus they have become accustomed to, and the sweet 10/10 bonus which they were only allowed to sample before having it torn from them. The question is will they be able to regain the lands lost to Peru and Bolivia blocking them from their oil bonus while simultaneously holding off resistance wars from Chile. Only time will tell.

Next on the docket for tonight is the liberation of Sweden.

Sweden has surged back in recent days after being completely wiped with the intervention of Poland into the war between Asgard and ABC. Asgard member Finland still remains under Polish occupation however considering the ease with which Sweden regained its territory the Finns can hope that Poland will place an equal measure of importance upon holding their regions. It seems likely that this will be the case considering Poland's habit off swallowing smaller countries and then quickly allowing them to regain their regions. (Canada, Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden, etc.) Growing tired of resistance wars in their oil bonus region of Western Netherlands the Polish government has launched their NE against the Netherlands. Bad news for the Nehterlands who claim that they have nothing to do with the resistance wars, good news for everyone else currently under Polish occupation.

In somewhat but not really important news Japan has FINALLY returned to the map, regaining the region of Kanto and launching another attack against their Taiwanese oppressors http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/35823. While the Japanese are likely going to lose this battle it is nice to see them have some success for once.

Thanks for reading the article, here are some great tits as a reward

Thats all for tonight dear readers, good luck, and godspeed