Everyone is Blind

Day 840, 16:27 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512

I'm sure we all know what the topic of this article is going to be about. In case you didn't hear, President JNArno has been impeached by the Shaolins.

Why? Because the Shaolins didn't win, so they believe impeaching a president is democracy.
(The below picture is for the lolz only, not to insult anybody, as that would ruin the point of this entire article)

So why did they impeach our president? Because that way Walther, their candidate, gets to be the president without the consent of the public.

I should known this was coming. But when it comes down to it, there was only one reason I didn't see it. I expected better of you, Shaolins.

I think you forget that you had a month of your own in February. You won fair and square (well, mostly), and Son of Stormkin became president. During that month of Shaolin rule, our GDP dropped, our population dropped, and our international standards dropped.

So have you finally shown your true colors, thrown away the mask and exposed yourselves as PTO'ers? No, you back up your impeachment with words of "democracy," and comparing JNArno to e😜resident Eleriel.

In my heart, I believe the Shaolins to be a PTO group. Their actions and the unending streams of evidence convince me. But I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt. Calling the Shaolins a PTO group and using that to fuel our arguments is cheap and easy.

In summary, the Shaolins impeached our president for two possible reasons. They may be a PTO group plotting to overthrow eSwitzerland. Or maybe they simply believe that putting themselves in power is beneficial for eSwitzerland.

So where am I going with this?

I am going to try to present a fair and reasonable argument to the Shaolins. An argument that says "this is why you are wrong." One without any holes. I may not succeed, but I will certainly try my best.

Too long, Swiss And Shaolins have fought with each other on conflicting viewpoints. We believe in different ideals, different methods of doing things. And cooperation seems impossible, it may be impossible. But I do not believe that underhanded, backstabbing actions are going to help Switzerland in this fight. If we fight fire with fire, the whole country burns.

In the Shaolin's article, they claim that the Swiss have refused to negotiate with them. Not true. Perhaps Eleriel and Ilestis refused to (though I highly doubt it), but many Swiss have tried. I have tried. JNArno was trying, until the Shaolins went and impeached him.

Shaolins, we're all different people with different mindsets. The Resistance Movement is not an organization with set political goals or economical goals. Just because certain members do not cooperate with Shaolins, doesn't mean other's won't. And most importantly, and what you don't seem to understand, is that even if some of our members are pro-EDEN, quite a few are pro-neutrality.

If I were suddenly to be granted presidency, I would opt for Switzerland to remain neutral myself, even though I root for EDEN anyway. Why? Because unlike some people, I care more about this country then I do my own personal beliefs.

Shaolins, please understand me. If I could negotiate with you to save Switzerland, I would. If I could move out of this country and live in Sweden (gurgle) for the rest of my eLife to save this country, I would. If I could give up playing eRepublik to save this country, I would.

Skeptics might say "Words, but no action." But is it our fault that Shaolins block every action we make?

Shaolins, if you stop this impeachment, if you agree to give JNArno a month to save eSwitzerland, then I will accept you. I will welcome you into this community and I will view you as Swiss. For me, it is loyalty (yes Clifford, LOYALTY) to Switzerland that determines whether a person is Swiss or not.

Shaolins, you fight us with fire. People such as JNArno have given up their negotiations, and even now he plans Operation 503, making the rift between Shaolins and Swiss even larger.

Shaolins, Swiss, I hope you will both join me in Operation Penguin.
If you offer a hand of friendship, I will accept it. Operation Penguin is an operation that, I hope, does not conflict with operation 503 (nor 404).

It is simply an agreement that whatever actions we take, Swiss or Shaolin, we do it so that it directly benefits eSwitzerland.

Impeaching president after democratic election? NO!
Fighting in Graubunden on the wrong side? NO!
Posting funny pictures to cheer everyone up? YES!

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