Everyday I’m shoveling

Day 1,444, 03:05 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Rockefeller Foundation

To repeat my statement made in the first paragraph of my first article, this is my own newspaper, in which I write my own opinion about current affairs. I do not have nor claim to have an official GPN post other than coach. Making my articles in game not representative for the global opinion of GPN. To paraphrase this for Auggy: GPN has nothing to do with my articles.

Now this is clear let’s start a nice article about the presidential elections of this month and I fear upcoming month as well. The Netherlands is divided into two camps, GPN and DemNL, I&W CLN and RAF. It is normal for one party to offer some empty promises in order to get support from another party, that is just how it works in real life as well.

However I do wish to express my concerns about the current state of affairs. The actual presidential candidates for this month are Luuklag and Mr.Sphere. I personally believe that Luuklag has the same potential as a brick, but that is my own believe and I will not put full focus in my article on this matter. The actual affair I wish to talk about is that I&W and CLN are playing a dangerous game, that in real life is very visible in the USA. Making a statement that one will support the others candidate in the upcoming month and then vice versa, is dangerous. We might reach a status quo here in our very own country. In which one side refuses to co-operate with the other, in which all the statements made are blocked by the other. The opposition will be rough and it will not be easy for one side to actually achieve something.

This will last for at least two months, maybe even longer if the hatred between these two sides has grown in these two months. Even better this has already started. The reason I am not in congress this month has been expressed in my previous article, the Boneheads do not allow any opposition. The behavior on the congressional grounds has turned into some childish mud throwing competition in which Boneheads and Swingers alike point their fat fingers towards one and another. This is what this break up is all about. The Boneheads, the more experienced players, maybe you should consider them your grumpy old grandpa, he tells you a story and does not allow you to ask questions, they are trying to take control and not allow newer players and a fresh new wind to enter our country. On the other hand the Swingers, in most occasions can be considered some lazy ass kid, try to intervene and seize their share of power in the Dutch political grounds.

Both sides have now put forward a person who should lead this country. And yes I will here confess a color, I find Mr.Sphere the more potent one. As I found Luuklag disrespectful on more than one occasion. Also I fear we might lose democracy when we fall under Luuklag’s control. But on the other hand it is visible that Mr.Sphere is a fresh one on these grounds, as he fell for the trick of I&W and CLN creating this status quo.

I wish both sides good luck in the presidential elections.
(Auggy: you sure you read the first paragraph before you start answering?)