EVERYBODY PANIC!!! (NH Congressional Update)

Day 629, 14:46 Published in USA USA by Rex Object

New Hampshire Congressional Update – Day 629

In my brief time in Congress I've noticed that, much like in RL, very little gets accomplished on Sundays. Such was the case yesterday, when not much was transpiring outside of a few mundane debates on trivial issues and the occasional game of lawn darts. I was about to settle in for an afternoon nap, when I received my first alert of the day. Usually these are notifications of upcoming votes, a welcome acceptance of a friendship offering, or maybe a reminder to TiVo the new Lost episode. This one, however, was unusual. It was a bit lengthy, so let me paraphrase it for you:

"Your country is broke."

This must be a joke, I thought. The US? Broke? Not possible. I was about to delete it when another alert came in.

"Your country is broke." And then another.

"You're country is broke."


After a little bit of investigation, it turned out that the treasury's operating fund (or "folding money") was below a set standard, the result of our failure to leave a sufficient amount in the operating budget after an allocation. After about 30 or so more alerts the nation's tax base resolved the issue. The lesson here is, when it looks like doomsday is upon you, don't panic, or for that matter, delay your nap plans.

What's that you say? Spain lost 16k in gold to the enemy? Oh. My. God. EVERYBODY PANIC!!!

And now, onto the people's business.

The President proposed the purchase of a Q5 defense system to be placed in Florida. New Hampshire voted YES on this measure, which in 2 hours should become official.

A proposal put forth by Senator Nick Everdale to reduce the VAT on gifts from 5% to 1% was done so without the necessary debate or the required number of sponsors. For this reason New Hampshire voted No, but I'll reconsider the proposal should it get the full consideration of the Senate.

Senator Cujo Mayo proposed dropping the income tax on weapons from 5% to 1% to encourage weapon production and sale in the US. New Hampshire voted Yes to this common-sense measure.

One final item: Yesterday I was offered, and accepted, a position in the State Department by Secretary LexLuthor1. My primary mission at this time is to ensure that good relationships with our allies are maintained, and I spent the better part of Sunday reaching out to our closest allies in Europe and the Middle East. Aside from fighting against our enemies, I feel that this is the best way to serve my country, and I thank Secretary LexLuthor1 for the opportunity. I will continue to serve as New Hampshire's representative in Congress while working with the State Department, unless someone can point out a valid reason why these positions are incongruent.