Every Repost Is A...

Day 1,058, 09:58 Published in Japan Japan by Geno Garon

I feel the need for some theme music here...

Today, our conquest of Bovine Country is all but complete. The Mad Cow Disease which we intended to wipe from the face of this earth, while spreading the Word of Dio, and all his blessings has been completed in every sense. The Indians are beaten, broken (in more ways than one), and have looked to other avenues to try and protect themselves. This Dioist, for one, finds that the choice of allies in this situation is quite ironic, seeing as how the very same allies were threatening their own invasion not one month ago.

Today, my brothers and sisters, we face a new threat. Those who would claim to be followers of Dio, yet show their truly Pig Disgusting colours are now attacking the Holy Empire of Pakistan. Led by a President who is making unnecessary choices, helping a country which shunned him just weeks ago in favor of another lover, is going to find that making an enemy of Dio, and forcing Pakistan to bring the Just and Mighty weight of Dio's empire against it will not be a smart decision. I fear only that he is dragging true Dioist purists and countrymen of his own into this mess, forcing them to make a tough decision.

Will they follow their true calling to the land of Sand, and fill their bodies with the purest sense of Greatness, or will they follow a heathen into battle?

My guess is that only time will tell, although I find their choices to be quite ironic thus far.
I urge every Dioist everywhere, and those who are tired of the normal Erepublik EDEN v Phoenix wars to flock to Pakistan. We have the spice, and it must flow. Help us to let it flow throughout the eWorld, and to give everyone some righteous salvation for which it begs.

Also, of note: I would have really liked to publish this in a few countries. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond the control of the Admins, I cannot.

We are Dio. You are Dio. I am Dio.
A threat to Dio is a threat to the World. Why do you threaten the World?

Coming Soon to a McDonalds near you!

*Reproduced with permission from Dishmcds*