Every Cloud...

Day 678, 16:47 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

So my minimum wage bill just ended its 24 hour limit.


Kinda a hard hit, but then I looked at other rejected minimum wage bills. I did pretty good. So I gotta say thanks to all who voted, whether yes or no. This shows our diplomatic stance as a country that we have a very active legislature. Even in the debate area the President of Israel paid a visit. He told me that I had a bad idea. Still, that shows our Executive Branch is active as well. Thats a hint, by the way- join our forum.


34 out of 35 Congressman and Congresswoman voted in this bill. 97% of our Congress. Very good to all. And I say, bravo. I looked also at our election results for our Congress. Only 40% of eIsrael voted there. I was a bit dissapointed, but maybe we can get that number higher as we progress. At any time, I can say that this is good for now though, I will not complain IRL the USA only got about 30% of its citizens to vote for their PRESIDENT. So we are doing better than that.


Im not down and out with this, by the way. My last proposal won't be about minimum wage,as I see that would be a waste. In the future, though, I will be trying it again. I did realize we do a lot of donations to the Israeli Infrastructure fund, which I like. I dont like that we are getting so many bills adding to taxes. The Congress won't raise minimum wage, but taxes are ok. Im not exactly fond of that, but thats just me, however Im sure someone else believes that too. It's quite ok, though.

Every cloud has a silver lining. I saw many things and learned many things about our Congress by doing this bill. So I say thank you. Best wishes to all, and Have a Happy remainder of Yom Kippur.

Yours in the hands of eIsrael,

Congressman Sam Krakower