eUSA top 9 newspapers for new players to subscribe to and be informed.

Day 738, 14:06 Published in USA USA by Maxim Spart

Yes the Friend of the People is back to help guide our country forward yet again!

First off I need to congratulate Herrn Sterling on his victory in Vermont. He ran a clean campaign, healthy discussions and I have no complaints. I would like to thank the 18 others who voted for me and to the UIP and USWP who supported my efforts. A special thank you to Tepwnzor who served as the parties Chief of Voting. I plan to join the military to truly help our nation and add as much strength as possible to an already outstanding military in the eUSA. I will then run for the second time in December as politics is where I belong.

For new players and some experienced ones I have put together a list of the nine eUSA related newspapers that will help you stay in tune with what is going on both at home and abroad. I strongly suggest subscribing to them. Not only will you appreciate the eworld more but an educated citizen is superior to an ignorant one. I have decided not to rank these in any particular order except clearly placing the DoD orders as 1st. This way I hope to avoid some of the disgruntled comments that I'm sure will come. Newspapers should be our primary source of education for our new players as they are the easiest way to spread knowledge, game mechanic information, military strategy and political actions. I commend all of these writers on their works which have made a massive difference for the thousands of us that wait for their next publications.

The Department of Defense

The Angry Kitten (Josh Frost - eUSA President)

Global Defense Report (Desertfalcon)

Defense Intel Review (Aeros)

The Briefing Room (Official White House Press Releases)

The Federalist Papers (Gaius Julius - Former eUSA President and current Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman)

The Jewitt Report
(Jewitt - Uber active eUSA citizen and Presidential Candidate)

The Smoke-Filled Room (Woxan - eUSA Vice President)

Stars and Stripes Journal (Lieutenant Scheisskopf)

Now I fully realize that I may have offended some of you for not placing your newspaper. This could easily be because I have not yet run across it and I welcome you to add it to the comment list for future consideration for my next publication. Stay tuned for my next hopefully helpful edition of the "Friend of the People"