eUSA population – September 2023

Day 5,794, 03:47 Published in USA USA by Mister Y

Good Sunday everyone. I’m publishing again the article regarding the eUSA population trend of the month. I just noticed it’s exactly 4 years I write these kind of articles. I hope I can stay well for long to write more! The first graphic represents the amount of eUSA citizens I registered day by day in September:

Despite the event and the beginning of the autumn, that usually increases a little the population, this months eAmericans have decreased, but not much.
These are the detailed numbers of the month:

Total balance from 1st September (1100) to 30th September (1059) : -41 people
Balance in % : -4 % of population in a month

Top days: 5th and 6th September = 1110 people
Low day: 30th September = 1059 people

September mean = 1086 active citizens

The next graphic compares the American average monthly population calculated in four years of eRepublik history:

In September the population decreased a little, but not enough to ruin the usual increasing mean of the autumns.

This graphic shows the percentage of eAmericans in the world :

The eUSA went back to the 3,1 % of the worldwide population.

This is the graphic of the eUSA beginners:

The first three columns represent the monthly mean of the citizens registered in eUSA in 2020, 2021 and 2022. The other bars are the new American citizens of 2023. The coloured bar represents the new registrations in a month, the different cap in every bar represents the citizenships approved by eUSA congress people.
In September there are 151 eUSA beginners and 3 approved citizenship requests. Welcome all!

This is the graphic of the eUSA elections:

Votes for presidents are blue, votes for congress are red, and the rest of light green bar represents the quantity of “active” citizens that did not casted a vote.
In September, 231 people of 1110 have voted for President, and 238 of 1075 have voted for Congress. In percentage the votes are 21 % and 22 % of the total eUSA population, comparable to the previous months.

I finished my graphics for now. Profit of this good weather to go play tennis, before the cold winter begins!