eUSA Elections (Nov 2017)

Day 3,638, 06:00 Published in USA USA by Carlos3652

So here we are, 5 hours into the eUSA November Presidential Election Race and 163 votes have already been cast. If the prior 4 elections have told us anything about turn out, 40% of voters have already casted their vote.

Our current country president (CP) Wild Owl, from the United States Worker Party and also endorsed by the We The People party leads the election at this point with a healthy margin of over 25% as of this article over aspiring candidate Bob Boudahill from The Black Sheep Party. (55% to 28😵.

Per Henry William French asked the Black Sheep Party who they wanted to nominate for fun and they voted for Bob. If we were really running someone you would see more press from our party about cabinet and platform. Wild owl has done a great job and we endorsed him last month"

If things hold up, it seems like Wild Owl, will continue to lead this country.

Let's take a look back at what has been accomplished during Wild Owl's term:

1. Funding was increased to the DoCA by an additional 50%.
2. New training front against the United Kingdom. That brings us to 3 military training fronts open (Ukraine, New Zealand)
3. Congress has been operating smoothly under his watch (although this could be said of others as well).

There has been some negatives / constructive feedback from eCitizens about his tenure.

Niemand commented that there are "almost no in-game articles... they are very important". Niemand also mentioned that "Wild Owl isn't giving any information" on his presidency. The eUSA citizen does "agree the country is ruled quite stable" at the moment, but it would even be better if Wild Owl would communicate more.

Phil Harmony, who seems to lead the opposition, stated "He (Wild Owl) is a manipulative double faced pig-disgusting liar. His ego can fill stadiums!" Phil also did not understand how I just couldn’t see the need to change direction at this time by stating "Carlos, you say you don't see, are you blind?" When pressed on what changes need to happen, Phil did not comment.

This is the first time since Derphoof of the United States Worker Party, that a CP candidate will be reelected to a second term. (Derphoof was actually reelected for 6 terms in a row starting in Mid February and ending in Mid August 2017.)

In conclusion, the most important thing to note is that YOU the e-USA citizen holds the power on who should be the next CP, and who should lead us. We need to increase voter turnout and you are very important to this process. So if you have not already, get informed and go out and vote today.

Please comment your thoughts on this election and on your favorite candidate and why should people vote for them. Information is Key!