eUSA anti-PTO, your market needs you

Day 1,864, 04:32 Published in USA USA by Sinensis969

Howdy! Or good morning.

Yet again another article that holds little sway over the markets, more of a way you can help put an end to multi farming.

As I was doing my daily purchases, I couldn't help but notice the large percentage of people selling, especially as the cheapest items were members of political parties that are often times associated with multi players.

What I'd like to encourage is for eUSA patriots (and God knows that when you are an eUSA patriot you probably spend too much time on here anyways) to buy smart. Before you buy, check and see who you are buying from.

And for those dedicated readers, as of 3:51 in the morning.

Q2 food was the cheapest (0.08/4 per health, results in 0.02)
Q3/4 weapons were the cheapest (.89/3/3 per use per 20 fire power, results in .1, (1.54/4/4 = .1)