eUS Congress on FFFIIIRRREEE!!!!

Day 837, 19:40 Published in USA USA by Maxim Spart

So after reading Ligtreb's latest article I had to write a counter argument. I agree that the discussion on this massive tax change should've been public and sydiot is correct in saying public debate has been going on for two months on many different threads and on IRC. Those two items being's time we actually realize what is going on!!!


This is my third term and finally I am seeing non stop debate, solid IRC/Forum discussion, regular senators taking leadership upon themselves, new senators stepping up their game with proposals/voting records/IRC discussion/forum discussion. I am very very proud of my fellow senators for getting work done. This could be the best term I have seen in my eLife so instead of trashing the oversight of not making a thread public, I'd like to say nice job, give a thumbs up, smack a bum, give a fist bump to all those that are making this 27th session of the eUS congress a productive one.

Sure you might not agree with all that has been done in the first week (new constitution(I voted no), new tax plans (I voted yes)) but debate is happening, your senators are being proactive, and their dedication has been tested, will continue to be tested, but for now, many are rising to the occasion. Well done!

3rd Term Senator from Washington