eUS Army All Hands Call 2009/03/02

Day 468, 08:51 Published in USA USA by Symrstar

I offer welcome to the assembled officers and enlisted of the eUS Army. Today I will be addressing quite a few issues regarding our assembly, organization, and communications. I can say up till today, I had not dawned on me that some of you may not know what expectations you will need to fulfill to hold your current posts.
1. Building a Community.
To build a community is to create something that is solid. A proper foundation must be used to create this stability, and that foundation is communication. Within the military there is a need for clear and concise methods of communication. To that end, I have modified the military boards to facilitate the rapid dissemination of information.
As a military officer you are REQUIRED to check the boards to maintain situational awareness. All large scale movement and supply orders will be broadcast, in addition there will be supplemental situational information. Each unit will have headquarters within the board structure to assist in the role of communicating with your troops, an added element of officers and enlisted clubs have been created to facilitate our troops ability to socialize and create bonds of camaraderie.
After joining the forum, request access in the Army board under the Request Access thread.
Link: Military Forum
2. Core Communications
The role of an officer within the Army is to COMMAND. If you do not receive orders, you are EXPECTED to take charge and LEAD your men in the best interest of the eUSA. If you do not receive communications regarding a battle, war, bar fight, whatever, you must take action to do what ever is necessary to assist in the combat actions supporting the defense of our nation. This includes everything from movement coordination, weapons distribution, and issuance of combat orders.
Primary communication method between officers: E-MAIL. Its easier to track 20 conversations using email. Secondary: Forum. Tertiary: E-rep message.
Combat orders and decelerations of intent to pursue combat will be expounded on later on in this article. Combat isn't the only thing we must communicate about. Questions, additional information regarding special tasking, requests, and status reports. The big item in that list would be status reports, which is nothing more than a run down on the activity (or inactivity) of your unit. Status reports should be made often, everyday if possible, BUT NO LESS than outlined in your rank description in accordance with FM-1.
Link: Organizational Field Manual 1 (FM-1)
3. Supply and Movement
Okay, admittedly, supply sucks. The mere thought of warps my skull into a headache of epic proportions. Kyle321n has done his damned best job in getting arms in the hands of our troops. Even with dedicated personnel, the concept of supply still sucks. Two things plague Kyle321n in his quest for a better armed military; One, the lack of available manpower to support a rotating schedule of personnel. Not many folk out there are able to dedicate themselves to a real life time schedule for a game, which is entirely understandable.; Two, funding, costs, and the headache that arises from securing and spending government money to put weapons in our boy's hands. This applies to moving tickets and any other kind of disbursal from the Office of the Quartermaster.
4. Combat
Americans traditionally love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.
-George S. Patton, Jr., General United States Army.
Combat is fluid. Ever changing. Success is not binary, not true, not false, but measured in the degree of success of its supporting elements and the variable that are unique to each encounter. The following list is just a generalization of how to generate your command decisions as an officer.
First: Examine target location. The variables you will be looking for are; damage, the battle's end time, available hospitals for the regional conflict, and supply.
Secon😛 Determine if the current regional wall needs to be attacked. Generally speaking, 30-40k damage in our favor should not require further action until close to the close of the battle. If immediate action is not necessary, organize a coordinated effort from within your unit at a later time, but before the end of the battle.
Thir😛 Hospitals allow for rapid recovery after a days battles. The core idea to how we wish to conduct combat is based on how many fights a soldier can muster. Based on their wellness and the available hospital, the number of fights for each soldier should be evaluated. The goal is to use the hospital to reach an equilibrium. For example; if a soldier starts with 80 wellness before fighting, I want that trooper to be healed back up to, or greater than 80. If the regional hospital being used is a quality three unit, the idea is that our example soldier can fight 3 times, and recover to his previous position.
Fourth: Supply. If it is available, requisition supplies from the Quartermaster. If not available, inform your subordinates that supplies will be not be supplied. If the combat action requires travel, inform them that if they can afford two tickets (round trip) and want the EXPERIENCE, they are welcome to fund their own movement and fight with whatever they can afford.
Fifth: You will need to message your immediate commanding officer with a deceleration of intent to pursue combat, this message must include the specifics of how you will move your unit, and how you will engage combat as a unit. This message must also be sent to the executive officer of your command, and your executive officer who serves your unit. From that point, you then message your subordinates with combat orders, detailing your plan of action.
In conclusion, I apologize for the amount of time it took to get this out and I know it is a lot at first glance it seems like a lot of information. When you take into scope what we are trying to do, remember it is a team effort. Any suggestions you should route up your chain of command. I've been hemmed up by work, school, and my dedication to a better eUS Army.
Currently I am working on a method of keeping all officers up to date on the variables of their commands, it will be nice, but I cannot give much more details in an open forum.
That is all,
General Symrstar
Commanding Officer eUS Army
Army Chief of Staff