European war report, day 1219.

Day 1,219, 11:18 Published in Sweden Sweden by Misho

Short version: everyone is fighting everywhere.

Longer version:

Sweden vs Norway - pillow fight.

Sweden vs Lithuania - training war.

Poland vs Germany - Poland are trying to conquer German autobahns so that they can connect their Raw Material bonuses and gain production advantages.

UK vs Canada - officially training war but UK are fighting much harder than usual for a training war and some shouts has been noted that the war is for real.

Estonia vs Finland - training war.

Belarus vs Hungary - resistance war probably has Hungary given up the region due to new changes.

Macedonia vs Italy - Macedonia wants the Saltpeter in Italy, Italy wants to keep it. Real war.

Romania vs Hungary, the region with the Romanian capital is under attack, Romania wants to keep it. Real war or training war? Constant war.

Croatia vs Serbia - Constant war.

Turkey vs Romania - RW where Turkey has managed to regained lots of former lost core regions.

Greece vs Turkey - Constant war.

Moldova vs Romania - RW war for damage draining purpose?
Graubunden, Tyrol, Salzburg and Montenegrian coast - dunno, RW for damage draining purpose? Giving regions back?

France vs Germany - training war especially for Alexis Bonté who ones again fails to take a Battle Hero medal. Although this war has strategic importance and NWO might want France to win it so that eGermany will be erased and Poland be able to set a new Natural Enemy faster.

Spain vs Portugal - pillow fight

Other things to notice:
- Regions now must connect to capital city in order to provide production bonuses. (eSweden for example has so bonus any more from the Grain in Samogitia.)
- Leningrad Oblast now border Kalingrad
- Food prices has went up like 50% globally.

Yours in war