eUNL Awards: (Summer Edition): send in your suggestions

Day 966, 01:58 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by The Awards
eUNL Awards: Summer Edition" />

The 6th edition of the monthly awards is about to start. We need your help: please send in your suggestions!

We are very very happy to announce we are able to give away more then 5 gold in prizes this month.

Our location on the eUNL community forum:" />

the Awards V2
Some slight change in rules. The categories are reogranised (since they seemed to be discussed nearly every month). Also the maximum number of 3 nominees is going to be changed. We now are introducing a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 nominees.

- Greatest citizen (joining 'politician of the month' and 'citizen of the month')
- Best newcomer (upcoming citizen)
- Best newspaper/publisher (unchanged)

This article is a bit late (sorry). The suggestiontopic closed TODAY at 18:00. If you want to suggest a candidate then please do so right away!

Dont use this article for sending in nominees. Please use the eUNL Awards forum section. Thank you!