eUniversity SEMESTER 1 (January-February) STARTS RIGHT NOW!

Day 773, 16:00 Published in Canada Canada by 00AngryMobMan00

Hello everyone,

This is a quick reminder that the eUniversity registration starts today, and is on for the whole month of January! If you are interested, please PM me (00AngryMobMan00), or PM my faithful eUniversity Org account (for now), called "H.F.C" (without the quotation marks around it). Message one or the other directly in-game, with just a general message saying "I want to be in your eCanada eUniversity".

We have a wonderful teaching staff that is eager to help new and old players alike, learn new tips and tricks of the game!

The following list is a list of classes (descriptions), and costs involved! (all prices are in CAD)!

Current Class List:

Level 1 (What is the economy? What is GPD? etc...) - 5$
Level 2 (What is "buying local"? What is "Forign Trade"? etc...) - 8$
Level 3 (What is a TRADE EMBARGO? What does eCanada import/export? etc...) - 12$

Level 1 (The Political Branches of Governement, and their jobs, ministries,etc..) - 5$
Level 2 (What is congress? And What Do They Do? How do elections work? etc...) - 7$
Level 3 (What global alliances are there/involved countries, world wars, etc...) - 10$

Level 1 (Basic french, getting to know your basic verbs, small conversations) - 5$
Level 2 (Mid-level french, expanding verb knowledge (tenses), complex phrases) - 8$
Level 3 (Complex french, verb tenses (past, present, future), pronouns, adverbs) - 10$

Level 1 (Basic Journalism, what are "subscribers", how to catch attention) - 3$
Level 2 (HTML markup (u and /u --- b and /b), linking, and more) - 6$
Level 3 (Ads. How do they work? How to link ads/create ads, targeting ads, etc...) - 8$

Level 1 (What is eLaw? What Laws Does eCanada Have?) - 5$
Level 2 (How can a law be passed? How can the be made- Part 1) - 10$
Level 3 (How can law's be made- Part 2 / What happens if you break an eLaw?) - 15$

Just so you guys know, im having BIG PLANS in mind for this eUniversity! Maybe open it up to the brolliance? Maybe get more classes, like War and History going? AND MORE SUPRISES! 🙂

Just a few things you should know though (Requirements):

- You MUST pay by the end of the registration month (it's a month so you have time to build up funds). You get a message 1 week before classes start if you have not payed me / eUniversity yet 😉

- You MUST be Canadian (for now)

- You need to have access to the eCanada forums, just a citizen mask will do 🙂

Now, basically, the schedule will run like this (still in confirmation, you will get a confirmation email with when your classes are). But, we will have 2 months involved in this semester (maybe a little more or a little less, depending on how things go, this is our pilot project month to work out the last few bugs). As for now, we will have a week that is all the Level 1 classes going. Another week will be all level 2 classes going. The third week in a month will be all the level 3 classes going, and then the last week is classroom exams (completed in the forums)! 🙂

Head of eUniversity