eUK Weekly News - 12/01/2009 - 16/01/2009

Day 423, 14:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association

Hello, and happy New Year. Say hello to your new NNA team. This week has had a few hot topics, including the House of Lord reforms, and the Party President elections. I shall post a few of the articles that really grabbed my attention, from around eUK this week. Enjoy.


Author - Ministry of Defence
Newspaper - MoD News
British Army - Recruitment Drive

The MoD this week, were regrouping after a series of wars, by going on a serious recruitment drive. This article explains clearly, exactly how to join up with the military. Anyone interested in fighting and gaining battle experience, should check out this article.

Author - Christophia
Newspaper - Britannia Express
Does anybody know about the House of Lords?

This week we have seen some serious discussion in the forums, regarding the uses and rights of the House of Lords. This article caused the debate to flow over into in-game discussion. The article is good, but the debate that follows, is also worth a read.

Author - The Unity Party
Newspaper - The Unity Post
The Unity Party Does Not Condone Cheating

Another major issue that occurred this week, was the banning of Ares989. The Unity Party provided this report, explaining the issue at hand and putting the record straight regarding the parties involvement.

Author - Empire Corporation
Newspaper - The Destiny Chronicle
January 2008: 313 Revoultion?

An entertaining, and informative history lesson, regarding the founding of NEW, and the arrival of 313 in eUK.


Author - Jiizm
Newspaper - Any Questions
Exclusive interview with Deathtoll32 - Prime Minister of the eUK

Fresh faced, young reporter Jiizm, gets the scoop of a lifetime, when he gets this remarkable, very first interview, with new Prime Minister; Deathtoll32. A very good interview. Expect more from this reporter in the future.


Author - Transport for London
Newspaper - The Oyster Card
To all eUK Citizens! Transport For London & MoMaS Report

With the smog filled city of London trying to evacuate citizens to the rural area of eUK, Transport for London writes this article explaining how to get hold of free travel tickets. A must read for any young citizen currently in our capital.

Author - National Health Service
Newspaper - NHS News
NHS Notices - Find Your Clinic

The NHS explains the uses of your local clinics, and how to find them.


With the debate regarding the House of Lords hotting up once again, two articles explaining the pros and cons are published within moments of each other.

Author - Dishmcds
Newspaper - Dish - Traveller Edition
The House Of Lords - Indisputable Evidence

Why the House of Lords is such a good thing for eUK.

Author - Tommy Tommasino
Newspaper - J'accuse
Statement of Beliefs on the House of Lords.

Explaining why the House of Lords should face reform.

Weekly Congress Report
Congressional Report 09/01/2009 - 15/01/2009

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