eUK war history - The past few days

Day 1,645, 10:38 Published in United Kingdom USA by Proponent

This article is a follow up article from my first war article, eUK war history through the eyes of an ebaby, for those who have not read the article it can be found here link.

You should remember that when the previous article was published this is how eUK was looking.

We had recently lost all territories before this and won a rebellion war shortly after the battle for London was lost and, at the point this was taken, we had started to pick up momentum and began to claim our land back from eCanada.

This is how the map was looking at the end of that day, as you can see ePoland gave us Yorkshire and Humberside back so a big thanks to ePoland for that, we will do a better job of holding the region this time. We also took a region back from eCanada, one more for us, one less for them - This is always a good thing.

The South West of England was a very good region for us to take, this is because it is one of two links that we have to eCanada, the other being Wales. If we manage to take Wales back then this will cut off any eUK regions that eCanada still holds from their capital - No resource bonus for them. I have excluded Scotland from classing as a eUK link to eCanada for now due to our deal with them.

We took one region back from eCanada today however there I'm not entirely sure I understand why it was the North East of England as this region does not have a direct link to our capital but hey, it is one more that eCanada doesn't own anymore.

This is how the eUK is looking right now however there is a rebellion war going on in the East Midlands which, should we win, will link our capital with the North West and Yorkshire and Humberside. To be honest out of the regions of ours eCanada still controls taking any of them back would of of benefit to us, North West and East Midlands could link us up with two regions we own and taking Wales would cut off eCanada from benefiting from any of our regions they currently control.

It will be interesting to see how the next few days unfold, at this rate by the time I write my next article we could of taken eUK back from the Canadians.
Good luck to all of our fighters, let us take back eUK one region at a time.