eUk Members are you in the right party?

Day 1,861, 17:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Winston S Churchill

Right now 16 members of congress (TUP and UKRP and 1 pcp member ) have voted to impeach the CP Bigant , madness I hear you cry , Yes it is true , after a amazing week with the eUK doing so well in battle , a great community feeling being built it seems the games are afoot again.

Is this really what you are voting for when you vote TUP or UKRP people with no morale fibre.

If you think the eUK has had a great week , the people you are voting into congress are not thinking about you , only thereself's trying to score politcal points , it is shameful, these folks are the reason the eUK hasn't got no where , for the sake the game these people need to have all power taken away from them, they are spoiling this game for the rest of us , We have had a amazing week.

vote No to impeach BigAnt

Time to get rid of the rot and bring in a New Era