eTurkey Official Statement Regarding Serbia

Day 1,423, 18:37 Published in Turkey Turkey by aLmiLamm

Dear friends, allies and respected foes,

We're deeply concerned and frustrated to find out that Serbian government is having meetings behind closed doors to NE Turkey, via Romania.

We're sad to see hundreds of Serbian players in Turkish battles on the opposite side during the entire week.

We hereby declare that, we do not feel the single bit of a regret for voting in favor of an independent Kosovo.

Do you know why ? Because Kosovo is independent.

Simple as that.

You can not expect Turks to swallow their pride, and vote for something that they do not believe in.

You can not expect Turks to agree with all opinions you have.

Turks recognize the independent state of Kosovo and respect their right of existance in both RL and in this game.

Even though we would have been on the different sides with them, just like Bosnia.

However, Serbian nationalism (some might even call fascism) is out of the limits.

This lost generation, which have been pumped up with fabricated stories after the 1800's to ensure national unity, is acting like mad dogs.

We did not express a single statement until now, but enough is enough.

Serbian ex-MoFa opening garbage articles trashing Turks, Serbian CP shouting about stuff he don't even know, Serbian tanks fighting in all fronts against Turkey...

Well now, it's time for you to make a choice. You either let the trolls control your mind, or you act rationally.

We are ready for both.

Remember, Turks are not afraid.

"Turks never kneel, even at his last minutes." that's a Serbian proverb.

You clearly know us really well.

How can you not...

We are ready, steady and eager. Make your choice, make it quick.

In the name of Turkish Government, vMoD KuDuRuK