eSrbija, najveca po populaciji/eSerbia, the biggest of population [SRB/ENG]

Day 696, 06:41 Published in Serbia Serbia by BOJAN1993
English version at bottom

Iz dana u dan eSrbija postaje sve veca, svaki dan dobijamo 200 novih igraca, danas imamo jake igrace.

Mentori pomazu ebebama, svaki dan se moze cuti:200 igraca u eSrbiji, 200 igraca u eSrbiji, i svaki dan ja cujem to.

eSrbija je sada jaca, eSrbija je sada veca, eSrbija sada ima sanse sa eHrvatima!

Ja se nadam da ce eSrbija jednog dana postati broj 1 u svetu.I uz pomoc svakog eSrbina, verujte da HOCE!!!!

Molim vote, i molim sub, da dobijem MMM, 5 golda idu u Narodnu banku eSrbije.Hvala unapred!
Izvinjavam se citaocima, sutra ce biti smesan broj 100%, nisam jos smislio, ali sutra ce BITI!

From day to day, eSerbia has biggest, every day we get the 200 new players, today we have strong players!

Mentors of eSerbia has been helped, every ebaby has got a help from mentor.Every day you can hear😛200 players in eSerbia, 200 players in eSerbia, and every day a heard that.

eSerbia has stronger, eSerbia has biggest, now eSerbia have a chance with eCroatian!!!

I hope that some day eSerbia become a world no 1.And by helping every Serbian, belive that is begin!

Please vote, and please sub!!!