eSrbija na prvom mestu

Day 1,668, 04:09 Published in Serbia Serbia by Vojvoda Prijezda

Pogledajmo kako izgleda lobiranje odlazećeg SG saveza (SGiddy) za svog kandidata pred izbore u savezu (koji je inače na kanalu, ali Siddy govori u njegovo ime?!?!!?), kasnije i naslednika na mestu SG saveza (Andrej_M).
Izbori su održani 20.5.2012.


[22:09:11] Appleby:
[22:09:17] o/
[22:09:20] let me put it this way
[22:09:22] Andrej_M:
[22:09:24] or Death
[22:09:36] Andrej_M:
[22:09:39] or forced sexual abstinence
[22:09:43] Andrej_M:
[22:09:46] or heterosexuality
[22:11:08] I see
[22:11:33] he isn't on the gdoc
[22:12:29] then write his name
[22:12:39] and then
[22:12:46] get cocki on having the SG from UK
[22:18:30] well Appleby
[22:18:33] it's your choice
[22:18:35] 🙂
[22:18:46] I will weigh it up
[22:18:50] over a glass of Glenmorangie
[22:18:55] and 2 hours revision
[22:18:58] hell yes
[22:19:24] I can't force you to run me. BUT it will be either me or a guy who won't care about smaller countries like UK.
[22:19:25] 🙂
[22:19:53] From what it sounds like, you're already being supported by a few countries
[22:19:54] can anyone else get the ball rolling
[22:19:56] ?
[22:20:02] well
[22:20:05] I'm
[22:20:19] but I wanted to run as a UK citizen
[22:20:24] 🙂
[22:21:49] I know less about ONE politics than Betafoxtrot
[22:21:52] which is impressive
[22:22:46] will chat to the usual UK oldfags to mull it over
[22:30:43] well
[22:30:47] Andrej_M: is speaking truth
[22:31:10] you remember gid term?
[22:33:07] well
[22:33:20] it's like a "battle" of two sides
[22:34:11] First one, Serbs who want to get the hierarchy back and won't care about the smaller countries
[22:34:11] Second one, Andrej_M & Siddy who with their worki the past 2 months proved they care for all our members equaly
[22:36:27] nice propaganda
[22:37:17] i was SG with gid
[22:37:30] i don't remember them not caring about smaller members 😛
[22:37:52] in fact i remember them adding 3 small countries to the alliance
[22:37:57] I was dMC with gid
[22:38:03] I don't remember him caring about everything
[22:38:03] and then voting 3 UK people into HQ
[22:38:07] in fact
[22:38:09] he wasn't here
[22:38:18] for the whole month
[22:38:33] still
[22:38:36] gid isn't running for SG is he
[22:38:39] gid's not the one who's running
[22:38:50] but idk why you're coming here to badmouth him
[22:39:03] it's pretty unprofessional for an SG to do that to a national cabinet
[22:39:21] ApronChef [cgiirc@Im.totally.from.from.moon.ville] has quit IRC: Quit: Night Night
[22:39:24] I'm not a SG anymore
[22:39:28] and well
[22:39:29] he's basically
[22:39:31] a cancer
[22:39:39] and I'm a spaniard
[22:39:44] spaniards ahve a reputation for speaking loud
[22:39:47] and speaking clear
[22:40:11] Serbia are the reason the UK quit terra
[22:40:15] and went proONE
[22:40:22] so i think you are preaching to the wrong crowd
[22:40:29] though my friends are too polite to say so
[22:40:49] we're not talking about serbia
[22:40:52] we're talking abotu UeS

[22:41:17] UeS made every good CP serbia has ever had
[22:41:42] SGiddy blinks
[22:41:45] SGiddy blinks again
[22:42:06] kistru, clueless, oriana, alpha - all are UeS
[22:42:24] were
[22:42:35] good old K would have never allowed that
[22:42:49] allowed what
[22:43:06] that
[22:43:18] what is that
[22:43:21] Iain_Keers, Do u have any idea how much UeS changed after Oriane left?
[22:43:29] *Oriana
[22:44:08] i will tell you what i know
[22:44:27] you shouldn't be coming here attacking the ruling party of another country
[22:44:32] as an election campaign
[22:44:42] an election in which I'm not running
[22:44:42] we kickbanned 2 people for that in the last few months
[22:45:08] feel free to do it
[22:45:19] that wouldn't make my words less true
[22:45:43] i am not going to DO anything
[22:46:00] i am telling you that it's unprofessional for HQ to run round trying to slander their opponents
[22:46:06] so you want Andrej to win, that's cool
[22:46:18] i am not giving an opinion on that
[22:46:34] what i am saying is going round badmouthing people is not a good way to win elections
[22:46:41] it just makes you look like a schemer
[22:46:50] I AM a schemer
[22:46:55] if you don't know that
[22:47:00] you missed 5 years of Spanish HIstory
[22:47:07] also, as my greet message says
[22:47:09] I'm in shoot mode now
[22:47:21] if you think i'm impressed by people sneaking around badmouthing others in the alliance you're wrong
[22:47:33] that's not the right attitude for solving internal problems
[22:47:36] it makes them worse
[22:47:48] and i'll say that about anyone who acts that way
[22:47:54] then I'm sure you might not be impressed on gid's attitude
[22:47:56] he started on it
[22:48:00] I'm jsut taking a spanish revenge
[22:48:18] i didn't know spanish meant stupid
[22:48:22] and spanish revenges are hot and passionate
[22:48:32] well, most ofthen they do
[22:48:35] and besides, i thought you said that you were cool headed
[22:48:40] we have good climate though
[22:48:51] I don't think I ever said that
[22:48:55] I'm a spaniard
[22:48:59] I have a stereotype to live for
[22:49:56] well you won't win UK votes by acting like that, because I don't think anyone is impressed by it
[22:50:23] but I feel much better for myself
[22:50:26] after all I'm not running

Da li smo u ovom logu videli neki plan?
Šta smo videli?
Plašenje članice saveza 'zlom i kancerogenom' političkom opcijom iz Srbije i pljuvanjem po jednom od osnivača saveza?!?!?!

Dakle, vodeće ličnosti saveza su jako zabrinute za političku situaciju u jednoj od dve najjače članice i to je glavni adut njihove kampanje za izbore u savezu?
Uplitanje u unutrašnje stvari zemalja članica je inače najstrože zabranjeno.
Da li borba za očuvanje fotelja i vlašću seže dotle?

Posle se pojedinci usuđuju da kažu da su članovi UeS sektaši i da izmišljaju ovakve stvari, da su paranoični.

Da li je onda paranoja pomisliti da je, ako ne sabotaža, onda barem nedovoljno zalaganje ako u danu kada Srbija ima bitku koja je označena kao apsolutni prioritet, SG 'ne može' da obezbedi od pola članica ni CotD za srpsku bitku sve do večernjih časova?

Da li je nedovoljno zalaganje SG saveza ako se posle 4-5 dana nejavljanja pojavi i kaze 'stavite NE na Kinu' sat vremena pred postavljanje zakona, a mi 5 dana i noći radimo na tome.

Da li je paranoja pomisliti da je nedovoljno zalaganje zbog toga što mu se ne sviđa politička opcija na vlasti u Srbiji?
Kako vidimo u logu, to je glavni adut kampanje!

Da li je uplitanje u unutrašnje stvari članice saveza od strane SG profesionalno ponašanje?
Da li je ovo profesionalna reakcija HQ saveza nakon saznanja o rezultatima majskih izbora za predsednika eSrbije:

and yes our people are stupid
and voted the party of evil again 😛

gonna gry
ako mislis na Uni i sta jeste a sta nije radila u savezu pre nego sto sam ja dosao,naravno znam samo onos to su mi rekli, medjutim
Uni blokirala mene = protiv mene = ne zanima me
Cookies_Crisp: nije moe da pricam i da se kontriram
ali visoko letis
pazi se paces veoma nisko
nemam nista protiv tebe
samo ovo ti kazem najfrendovski
a ti sfati kao oces
svako petljanje sa HQ-um cu videti kao petljanje UeS-a pa cu onda morati probleme da pravim 😁
znaj da opravdano niko u HQ ne voli UeS

ja na prvom mestu
Cookies_Crisp [] has changed topic to "ONE HQ | uber doc *********** !!! | doc for supplies *************** | Serbia takes Cro NE, we got time to find a plan out, a longer term so lets talk about that ASAP!|The party of evil won..."

Da su se malo više bavili planovima, a manje unutrašnjim političkim stvarima država članica i očuvanjem svojih fotelja, možda bi barem jedna država članica saveza imala svih 10/10 resursa za vreme njihovih mandata...

Eng version

Let’s see how ONE Secretary General (SG) is lobbying for his candidate in forthcoming elections in alliance (Andrej.M, who is btw in channel but Siddy is speaking in his name).
Andrej later became ONE SG.
Elections were held on May 20th, 2012.


Have we seen some plans for alliance in this log?
What we have seen?
SG in resignation, and SG candidate are trying to scare alliance member government with ‘evil and cancerogenic’ political option from Serbia?!?!?

So, the leaders od the alliance are very concerned about the political situation in one of the two most powerful members and that is the trump card of their campaign for the alliance?
We’ll remind that interference in the internal affairs of member states is strictly prohibited.

There are some individuals who dare to say that the members of UeS are sectarian and to invent these things, that they are paranoid.

Is it paranoid to think that, if not sabotage, at least lack of commitment if the day when Serbia has a battle that was marked as an absolute priority, SG 'can not' provide from half of the members even CotD for Serbian battle up to the evening hours?

Is it not enough commitment of SG if we hear nothing from him for 4-5 days, then he suddenly appears and say 'Put NE on China' an hour before the set of laws, and we were working five days and nights on it.

Is it paranoid to think that commitment is insufficient because he does not like a political option in power in Serbia?
As we see in the log, is a major asset to the campaign!

Is the interference in the internal affairs of member states of the SG professional behavior?
Is this a professional reaction of the HQ after they have heard the May CP election results in eSerbia:

LOG 2 in English

and yes our people are stupid
and voted the party of evil again 😛

gonna gry
if you are saying about Unihorn, what she did have, and what she haven’t done in alliance before I came, of course that I know what have been said to me, but
Unihorn blocked me = she is against me = i don’t care
Cookies_Crisp: its not my bussines to talk about it and to challenge you
but... if you fly too high
watch out, you can fall very deep
i have nothing against you
this is just a friendly advice
think about it
if anyone from Serbia messes with HQ affairs, i'll consider it as UeS intervention, so i'll have to be nasty... 😁
you have to know that no one from HQ likes UeS, and there is reason for that

me first
Cookies_Crisp [] has changed topic to "ONE HQ | uber doc *********** !!! | doc for supplies *************** | Serbia takes Cro NE, we got time to find a plan out, a longer term so lets talk about that ASAP!|The party of evil won..."

If they have spent more time making plans for the alliance, instead of caring about securing their own positions in HQ or internal political affairs of its members, we are sure at least one member would have 10/10 resources in their mandate...