Day 1,307, 18:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Elle Roslin

I love the smell of napalm in the morning. Smells like.....Victory!

Today we finally succeeded in our longstanding goal of wiping Ireland. Let's party!

A small shoutout to HRH Woldy I 😉

To celebrate our complete and utter victory, ESO has gotten together to throw a celebration and share some goodies. If you are a party member, you have just received either 4xQ5 weapons or 10xQ2 weapons!

If any pesky Irish pop up to resist our benevolent rule, use these weapons to defend our newfound colonies.

Keep an eye out for John Snuggles, he's crafty

I am also happy to report that I have in my possession hundreds of remaining Q2 weapons, so if anyone reading this wants some ammo, just leave a comment and I will
send some along.

Special thanks for donating to this goes to the following ESO members:

Emergy Maxfell
Norman Ashcroft
John Baker
Lord Lewis Cromwell
The Grump

You guys are the bee's knees!

I am currently collecting vast food stores as well, so expect some free foodz in the coming days.

You stay classy UK

Party link: