eSerbia under TO attempt?!

Day 552, 03:05 Published in Indonesia Serbia by Lunatic2903

Welcome to eReBUGlik!

Today all of the Serbian candidates have been removed from the list and replaced with Canadians and Romanians! There's no way that all of the 20 candidates suddenly withdrew from elections.

This morning someone reported that our president of the party SeS is not president anymore?! He said that 15:00 erep time everything was alright and when he woke up he was not anymore president of the party?! Also when elections started we saw that candidates that should be on the list and elected by party president were not there!

Please help Serbia by signing open letter posted on erep forum. Hopefully admins will pay attention to this! There's no way that we can prevent this on our own.

Please sign here:
Thanks in advance!

This is not about Peace or Atlantis, Indonesians or Romanians, this game is getting more and more ridiculous! The thing is that our candidates are miraculously replaced, and our party president is also replaced!